Stop and Frisk: Revisit or Resist
WHYY News is committed to reporting on solutions to Philadelphia’s gun violence crisis, and we recognize the reporting may be traumatic for some.
2 years ago
Gun violence in 2022: 500+ homicides, prevention efforts, and public safety
2022 was another challenging year for the communities most affected by Philadelphia gun violence.
2 years ago
Navigating ‘Stop and Frisk: Revisit or Resist’ content
Here's a look at the episodes and ancillary content behind the WHYY News and Temple Logan Center podcast.
2 years ago
The conversation about stop and frisk centers on Black and brown men. What about Black women and co-victims of violence?
2 years ago
57 blocks in Philly are prone to shootings. Community groups are mobilizing to curb the gun violence
The “57 Blocks Project” wants to create positive change in neighborhoods most impacted by violence. There are already dozens of nonprofits working in these areas.
2 years ago
Philly police work to staff up despite distrust, ongoing gun violence crisis
The PPD is low on officers, and recruitment heads say they are trying new tactics like offering physical fitness classes and lowering the sign-up age to 20 years old.
2 years ago
Homicides are down 8% in Philly from last year, but shootings remain steady
Year-to-date homicides in Philadelphia were down 8%. Some community leaders and activists say it’s too soon to call the reduction an accomplishment.
2 years ago
5 solutions to Philly’s gun violence crisis
Guest hosts Sam Searles and Kole Long asked two community leaders, a clinician, a high school student, and a city public safety staffer for their solutions to gun violence.
2 years ago
Policing is changing in some Philly neighborhoods. This community program is spreading the word
A PPD pilot program changes the way police officers handle minor violations. In response, the ACLU has community ambassadors informing the public about their rights.
2 years ago
Listen 3:35WHYY gun violence prevention reporter Sam Searles and Temple University student Kole Long host a panel of concerned community members.
Air Date: December 13, 2022
Listen 41:29We asked, you answered: WHYY audiences respond to ‘Stop and Frisk’ podcast
How do you feel about stop and frisk (and policing more broadly) as an answer to Philly's gun violence crisis?
2 years ago
Nutter shares his personal experiences with being stopped, including during his time on City Council. He still supports the policy, as part of a broader policing plan.
2 years ago
Stop and frisk is a divisive topic in Philly, with political implications. Gun violence and public safety are bound to be central campaign topics in the 2023 mayoral race.
Air Date: December 6, 2022
Listen 30:54Understanding the mental health impact of stop and frisk and frequent police stops
Recent calls for stop and frisk policing as a solution to Philly’s gun violence crisis bring attention to the mental health implications of the practice.
2 years ago
Listen 4:25Central to the question of solving Philly's gun violence crisis is the role law enforcement should play in the most affected neighborhoods.
Air Date: November 29, 2022
Listen 30:36Want a digest of WHYY’s programs, events & stories? Sign up for our weekly newsletter.