Public Health
Inside Pennsylvania’s race to expand who’s eligible for the coronavirus vaccine
The state has made significant progress in its vaccination effort after Gov. Tom Wolf came under intense scrutiny, but that progress still depends, in part, on where you live.
4 years ago
U.S. is in a race between vaccines and variants, says public health expert
Despite the progress in vaccinating Americans, there's concern about the threat posed by COVID-19 variants. The White House is urging not to "let down our guard."
4 years ago
When will kids be eligible for COVID-19 vaccines, and how do we keep them safe in the meantime?
Why aren’t the vaccines approved for children? When will vaccine trials in kids have results? WHYY’s Health Desk Help Desk did the homework.
4 years ago
Listen 5:30Coronavirus fight stalls in early hot spots New Jersey, New York
Experts worry the public is getting the message that increased vaccination means it's in the clear, even though only a fraction of the public has completed a full course.
4 years ago
What the U.S. can learn from mass vaccination campaigns in other countries
Health researchers wonder why the United States tried to reinvent the wheel when it came to setting up COVID-19 vaccinations on a large scale.
4 years ago
A new study shows vitamin D can lower COVID-19 risk, especially for Black people
A new study shows levels above those traditionally considered sufficient — 30 ng/ml (nanograms per milliliter) — may lower the risk of coronavirus infection.
4 years ago
Listen 1:09How vaccine sites can be more accessible to people with intellectual disabilities
Jefferson’s Center for Autism & Neurodiversity has been working with focus groups of young adults to craft strategies.
4 years ago
Penn researchers looked at data from 498 Black men admitted to Level I trauma centers. Health insurance and mental health stigmas limited access to care.
4 years ago
Philly hopes to boost vaccinations 50% by end of April, but the pace has stalled
The city is counting on FEMA to open at least one more clinic, and still leaning heavily on the Black Doctors Consortium.
4 years ago
Philly’s top doc recommends another Zoom holiday as COVID rates rise, vaccinations plateau
Philadelphia’s Health Commissioner told families to stay home as spring holidays coincide with a spike in positive COVID tests and a lag in vaccinations.
4 years ago
N.J. to open vaccine eligibility to include people 55 and older
The expansion to millions of residents and those who work in New Jersey means millions more people will be able to get the vaccine.
4 years ago
Local congregations more prepared for second pandemic Passover than first
“There's a lot in the Passover Seder that has to do with rebirth and starting again. It kind of feels that this year will feel much more like that.”
4 years ago
Listen 1:26Rutgers will require COVID-19 vaccinations in the fall — the first major university to do so
With a few exceptions, Rutgers University students will be required to provide proof of COVID-19 vaccination.
4 years ago
Vaccinate PA’s online appointment finder has expanded to Philadelphia
City health officials aren’t endorsing the site, however, because they can’t ensure accuracy.
4 years ago
Pa. coronavirus update: State surpasses 1 million COVID-19 cases
Across the commonwealth, 1,652 people are hospitalized with the virus. It’s an uptick in the trend after a period of falling hospitalization numbers.
4 years ago