At Sayre High, pandemic puts the brakes on college aspirations
Counselors say the shutdown creates new challenges for students, especially for those who must overcome financial and social hurdles to succeed.
5 years ago
Black doctors consortium takes COVID-19 testing into their own hands
Black Philadelphians are disproportionately dying of coronavirus. Now, a group of Black doctors is trying to bring tests to their neighborhoods.
5 years ago
Volunteers needed to translate coronavirus help for Philly area Asian Americans
Organizations that serve Asian American and Pacific Islander communities in the Philly region want to connect 10,000 households in Pa. to resources.
5 years ago
Why ‘stillness’ is crucial for your brain during this pandemic
The idea that you should be optimizing your quarantine time is everywhere. But resisting productivity culture and letting yourself be bored is essential to your well-being.
5 years ago
Listen 13:15Could a coronavirus lockdown speed up major I-95 construction work?
Fewer cars on the road could make work on a major, multi-year overhaul of I-95 through Wilmington go a bit smoother.
5 years ago
Farmers markets may be your safest bet for food shopping during the coronavirus pandemic
Health experts say the new rules governing Pa. farmers markets have made the open-air grocery destinations safer than other options.
5 years ago
Coronavirus or not, kids still fall or feel yucky. Do you go to the pediatrician?
Some situations, like broken bones, clearly call for in-person visits. Others are not so obvious. Here’s some advice for parents.
5 years ago
Listen 1:29A risky but possibly lucrative mix: Nursing homes and COVID-19 patients
Canceled elective procedures mean many facilities are no longer getting short-term residents paid for by Medicare. Medicaid pays less for long-term care.
5 years ago
Liacouras ‘COVID surge facility’ opens with no patients
The 10,000-seat sports arena was remade into a medical facility to meet the demands of coronavirus surge. It ended its first day open to patients with no beds in use.
5 years ago
See the curve: Pa. coronavirus daily death count hits new high as spread slows
As the state's daily death rate hits a high, experts are cautiously optimistic that social distancing measures are helping to contain the contagion.
5 years ago
Hite explains how online learning will work for Philly schools starting next week
The District is trying to plan a citywide virtual graduation, and maybe even a prom, the superintendent said.
5 years ago
Pennsylvania to use liquor stores for online fulfillment
Workers will be back on the job at more than 100 shuttered state-owned liquor stores to help process online orders, Pennsylvania's liquor agency said Thursday.
5 years ago
Coronavirus update: Delaware man dies in prison, was held in coronavirus cellblock
A man in a Delaware prison unit that had a coronavirus outbreak has died. Two coronavirus tests before his death were negative.
5 years ago
Free diapers in Philly: 10 places mothers can get formula and supplies
A new program to help babies during the pandemic.
5 years ago
Coronavirus update: N.J. unemployment climbs, schools will stay shut
New Jersey paid out $336 million in benefits in the last month. And some workers are now getting $600 supplemental payments.
5 years ago