Income Inequality
Demand for food, housing assistance in Delaware grows amid inflation, pandemic concerns
Delaware is experiencing a rise in the number of residents seeking help, whether it be with housing costs, Medicaid, or food assistance.
3 years ago
Philly refreshes home repair program with hopes of preserving more properties
Launched in 2019, the Restore Repair Renew program offers low-interest loans to homeowners who need to make major fixes to their properties.
3 years ago
Philly Mural Arts shows off new works near Suburban Station as part of Color Me Back program
The program that created the art gives daily pay for daily work and offers social services for artists.
3 years ago
The property at stake is known as the UC Townhomes, and it’s in the continually-gentrifying University City area.
3 years ago
‘Good sign for the future’: Chester County homeless population decreases by 23%
From 2017 to 2020, the Point in Time count showed a decrease of only 48 people in Chesco’s homeless population. Over the last two years, that number has dropped by 120.
3 years ago
The barista uprising: Coffee shop workers ignite a union renewal
Baristas at Starbucks as well as indie coffeehouses have driven a surge in organizing. They see their activism as benefiting not just themselves, but working people broadly.
3 years ago
Last-minute deal averts casino strike in Atlantic City
A Sunday strike deadline remains against the Hard Rock casino, but the new pacts appear to greatly increase the likelihood of a deal getting done with Hard Rock as well.
3 years ago
The Mantua property was renovated after sitting abandoned for a decade.
3 years ago
The end of Roe v. Wade has huge economic implications for male partners, too
Research is more limited, but shows men that who become parents younger than planned are less likely to go to college and have lower earnings.
3 years ago
Labor solidarity ‘brewing’ in Philly as workers organize for better wages, benefits
Five Philly Starbucks have voted to form unions in a town with a long history of labor organizing. It’s happening for a reason, write Paul Prescod and Daisy Confoy.
3 years ago
Philly City Council reaches deal on budget with property and wage tax relief
Budget negotiations were fraught with concerns over steep increases in property valuations that threatened big tax hikes for many Philly homeowners.
3 years ago
These tax relief bills must pass amid Philly property reassessments
Community Legal Services breaks down a package of bills that aim to lessen the burden for Philly homeowners after residential property values went up by an average of 31%.
3 years ago
When routine medical tests trigger a cascade of costly, unnecessary care
MRIs done early for uncomplicated low back pain and routine vitamin D tests "just to be thorough" are considered "low-value care" and can lead to further costly testing.
3 years ago
Union to vote on authorizing Atlantic City casino strike
Local 54 of the Unite Here union will decide whether to authorize union leadership to call a strike against any or all of the nine casinos.
3 years ago
The upgrades are intended to make billing more predictable, but the city says it’s on the customer to notice if they’re being undercharged.
3 years ago