Tony Auth on Vietnam’s role in his career as a political cartoonist
From the Tony Auth archives an excerpt from the Pulitzer Prize-winning cartoonist's 2005 interview with the Library of Congress.
8 years ago
Taking it to the streets, then and now
This story is part of a WHYY series examining how the United States, four decades later, is st ...
8 years ago
The Huey and the Vietnam veteran
The sound of the iconic Huey helicopter is unmistakable to a Vietnam veteran.
8 years ago
Vietnam: The war that was waged in my head
In the winter of my 13th year, I made a momentous life decision. I marched into my parents’ suburban kitchen and declared that when ...
8 years ago
Who fights our wars? Other people’s children
A volunteer-only army outsources foreign wars to the poor and working class — one of the worst legacies of Vietnam, which was also fought mostly by less-privileged Americans.
8 years ago
‘The voice of the people will be heard’ — from Vietnam protests to the new resistance
Like Americans who demonstrated against the Vietnam War in the late '60s, today's protesters know that it takes more than just one disruption to get the country and its electe
8 years ago
Philly couple who exposed Vietnam-era FBI secrets say democracy needs whistleblowers
It was Bonnie Raines’ job to case the joint. Her target: the FBI office in Media, Pennsylvania. If all went according to pla ...
8 years ago
Five ways Hollywood looks at Vietnam [video]
As Ken Burns turns his documentary lens on Vietnam, WHYY’s Patrick Stoner examines five ways Hollywood has explored the war. ...
8 years ago
The Philly Vietnam wall still speaks to and for many [video]
This story is part of a WHYY series examining how the United States, four decades later, is ...
8 years ago
Video artist traces the scars of war from South Philly to Vietnam
A Philadelphia video artist born in Vietnam is shooting a documentary chronicling his personal connection to scars the war left on the landscape.
8 years ago
The Vietnam War: serving, then coming home
Guests: Ralph Galati, Ertell Whigh ...
Air Date: September 18, 2017
Listen 48:59This story is part of a WHYY series examining how the United States, four decades later, is st ...
8 years ago
To mark 30th year of Philly’s Vietnam memorial, vets and families salute missing soldiers
Veterans and family members honored prisoners of war or those missing in action to mark the 30th anniversary of the Philadelphia’s ...
8 years ago
‘It’s hard to take pride in a war that, by any definition, we lost’
“The Vietnam War” heaps ineptness upon ignorance upon immorality by policymakers and the military brass — all gui ...
8 years ago
Architect of Philadelphia’s Vietnam memorial talks about why he served and why he protested
This story is part of a WHYY series examining how ...
8 years ago