College students on Fetterman-Oz debate: ‘I don’t feel like they were talking to us’
Students at Neumann University, in Delaware County, gathered for a debate watch and discussion Tuesday night. Ultimately, most felt neither candidate was speaking to them.
2 years ago
Listen 1:41Just 17% of the city’s fourth-graders were proficient in reading and 18% in math in 2019, compared to 15% and 13% in 2022.
2 years ago
The Office for Civil Rights will begin probing allegations at Central Bucks, which allegedly resulted in pervasive bullying against LGBTQ kids.
2 years ago
Listen 6:00Philly superintendent promises to end ineffective programs as part of strategic plan
Superintendent Tony Watlington said under his leadership, the district will practice “strategic abandonment” by rigorously assessing the success of individual programs.
2 years ago
Philly school district receives $1 million grant for violence prevention at Bartram High
The Office of School Safety plans to evaluate the success at Bartram High before expanding the initiative to other schools.
2 years ago
Listen 1:44Philly school district could spend $5 million to lock up student cell phones
Philly’s school board is considering a five-year contract to provide locking cell phone pouches to every district school that wants them.
2 years ago
Listen 1:07Majority of Philly students may need to use ‘alternative pathways’ to graduate, study finds
Starting with the class of 2023, Pennsylvania students must graduate through one of five new graduation pathways, two of which are based on state test scores.
2 years ago
The position is often laid atop regular teaching responsibilities, forcing a difficult balancing act.
2 years ago
Philly teens are sharing their climate change stories
High schoolers from around the city are talking about hot classrooms, devastating storms, and the convergence of climate change and inequity.
2 years ago
Central Bucks says the anonymity of the ACLU complaint makes it impossible to “intervene.” ACLU says the district has ignored and disrespected those students.
2 years ago
After ACLU complaint, Central Bucks still considers banning Pride flags
The Central Bucks school board will make a final vote on the policy banning Pride flags next month, amid student and teacher outcries.
2 years ago
Listen 1:05Philly students really want after-school activities to be safe spaces, but aren’t sure it’s true
The city’s gun violence “makes being a student even more difficult,” one teenager said.
2 years ago
‘We cannot lose on this’: Roxborough High School receives security funding
Just under two weeks after a targeted shooting at Roxborough High School’s football scrimmage, lawmakers present a $500,000 grant to update the school’s security.
2 years ago
The ACLU listed more than a dozen actions district administrators have taken since 2019 that the ACLU says have created a “hostile environment” for LGBTQ students.
2 years ago
Two new deputy roles will reduce the number of individuals who report directly to the superintendent, freeing him up to spend more time in the community and Harrisburg.
2 years ago