When will it be your turn to get the coronavirus vaccine? Here’s a guide
It’s hard to pin down a specific answer for any one person. WHYY’s Health Desk Help Desk created this interactive way to figure out where you stand.
4 years ago
Listen 4:47Novak Djokovic back in court to fight deportation from Australia
Three Federal Court judges hope to hear the entire case in a single day so that the men’s No. 1-ranked tennis player might begin his title defense on Monday.
3 years ago
Novak Djokovic’s appeal of canceled Australian visa moves to higher court
The appeal is unfolding just two days before he is scheduled to play his first match of 2022 at Melbourne Park.
3 years ago
Philadelphia extends vaccine mandate deadline for city workers
Friday had been the deadline. The city cited ongoing negotiations with employee unions for the extension to Jan. 24.
3 years ago
Supreme Court halts Biden’s COVID-19 vaccine mandate for U.S. businesses
At the same time, the court is allowing the administration to proceed with a vaccine mandate for most health care workers in the U.S.
3 years ago
Kids’ low COVID-19 vaccination rates called a ‘gut punch’
Vaccinations among the elementary school set surged after the shots were introduced in the fall, but the numbers have crept up slowly since then.
3 years ago
FDA shortens timing of Moderna booster to 5 months
The two-dose Moderna vaccine is open to Americans 18 and older.
3 years ago
One year, 350,000 doses later: What Penn Medicine’s vaccine rollout taught it about equity
Pop-up clinics and low-tech sign-ups provided a road map for equitable mass vaccination. Now, the health system is planning for what’s next.
3 years ago
U.S. urges COVID boosters starting at age 12 to fight omicron
The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention has agreed, recommending that younger teens — and those 16 and 17 — should get a Pfizer booster five months after their last sho
3 years ago
Camden County opens new drive-in COVID test site amid demand
Amid a surge in cases and hospitalizations, Camden County opens a new site to help address demand for COVID testing.
3 years ago
FDA expands Pfizer boosters for more teens as omicron surges
Boosters already are recommended for everyone 16 and older, and federal regulators decided they’re also warranted for 12- to 15-year-olds once enough time has passed.
3 years ago
Philly’s indoor dining vaccine mandate is officially in effect
For the next two weeks, restaurants may accept a negative COVID-19 test from the past 24 hours in lieu of proof of full vaccination.
3 years ago
Is a second vaccine booster in our future?
Get your first booster if you haven’t already, the experts say. WHYY’s Health Desk Help Desk asked some of them what we know about additional shots.
3 years ago
Listen 4:27Novavax files data with FDA to support COVID vaccine
The announcement comes shortly after the European Commission and World Health Organization cleared use of the Maryland-based company’s two-dose shot.
3 years ago
Rite Aid and CVS to close stores in 2022. What is driving the downturn?
This year saw the consolidation of big pharmacy chains around the country, even as they played a crucial role in COVID-19 testing and vaccination.
3 years ago