Behavioral Health
Outbreaks and Epidemics: The Role of Public Health
You know you’ve made it when you get parodied on Saturday Night Live … by none other than Brad Pitt. And you really know you’ve ...
Air Date: May 1, 2020
Listen 48:56Domestic violence under the quarantine
We talk about the rise in domestic violence with COVID-19 stay-at-home orders and the resources available to victims of abuse.
Air Date: April 24, 2020 10:00 am
Listen 48:59Naloxone by mail? What N.J. addiction help looks like during COVID-19
With coronavirus infections soaring, New Jersey addiction treatment providers are figuring out how to continue offering services — at arm’s length.
5 years ago
This is Your Brain During a Pandemic
Optimizing our brains has become an obsession of the modern world. We meditate, take supplements, read books on productivity — all in t ...
Air Date: April 17, 2020
Listen 48:44Tips for keeping it together during coronavirus outbreak, and resources to find help
At best, people are stuck inside. At worst, they’re working in incredibly stressful conditions, or isolated from friends and family. This is not an easy time.
5 years ago
Shot and surviving: How the invisible impact of gun violence can shape teens’ lives forever
In the U.S., 6,000 young people are wounded in gun violence each year. The victims are almost never the intended targets, but they're still left with the trauma of the event.
5 years ago
Listen 8:12Staying mentally healthy in the social distancing era
The mental health consequences of sheltering in place and social distancing during the coronavirus pandemic can be overwhelming. Here are some ways to cope.
Air Date: April 2, 2020
Listen 16:07No-visitor coronavirus policies separate kids in residential treatment from families
Intended to protect the physical health of young patients at behavioral facilities, the guidelines can exact a toll on their mental health, too.
5 years ago
The painful path of friend break ups
It’s normal for friendships to end. How can we approach that in a way that minimizes damage — and leads to healing?
5 years ago
Listen 11:14Connection and kindness during the pandemic
We discuss the importance of staying socially connected even when apart and the acts of kindness that are inspiring people during the pandemic.
Air Date: March 20, 2020 10:00 am
Listen 49:29In anxious times, stocking up on stuff is just a natural human response
Many of us are burrowing in for a few weeks of social distancing as the virus amps up anxiety levels everywhere. Shopping helps, an expert says.
5 years ago
Vivid dreams and their role in waking life
Many people practice remembering their dreams to help with clarity, creativity, or problem solving.
5 years ago
Listen 9:10City Council passes resolution condemning secrecy of supervised injection plans
City Council passed the measure, 15-2, as groups both in support of and against Safehouse showed up in force bearing signs representing their positions.
5 years ago
Sadness seemingly comes out of nowhere sometimes: a song, a photo, a movie scene, a memory, and there it is. Your heart seems heavy. Tear ...
Air Date: February 28, 2020
Listen 49:33Safehouse hits pause on plan to open supervised injection site in South Philly
Earlier, City Councilmember David Oh introduced, to wide support among his outraged colleagues, a bill that will effectively ban such sites in Philadelphia.
5 years ago