Court sides with state over Pennsylvania county’s handling of voting machines after 2020 election
Fulton County officials allowed outside inspection as part of an effort to find election fraud that then-President Trump falsely claimed existed after his 2020 loss.
2 months ago
Meadows, Giuliani, 11 ‘fake electors’ from 2020 are among those indicted in Arizona
Arizona is now the fourth state where charges have been brought against individuals involved in so-called "fake elector" schemes that sought to undermine Joe Biden's victory o
11 months ago
Texts show details of Pa. Rep. Scott Perry’s role in plan to overturn 2020 election
“From an Intel friend: DNI needs to task NSA to immediately seize and begin looking for international comms related to Dominion,” Perry wrote to Meadows.
3 years ago
Pa. Senate election ‘audit’ contract doesn’t say if the public will see the results
Pa. Senate Republicans are paying over a quarter-million dollars in taxpayer money to Envoy Sage LLC to investigate the 2020 election despite zero evidence of widespread fraud
3 years ago
Election security experts: Pa. GOP trying to play ‘Russian roulette’ with voters’ personal info
Republican lawmakers are requesting social security digits and driver’s license numbers, which aren’t public, of every Pennsylvania voter.
3 years ago
Tioga County asks senator to stop seeking vote audit
The three Tioga County commissioners all urged state Sen. Doug Mastriano to reverse his demand that Tioga and two other counties turn over election records and equipment.
4 years ago
Sen. Mastriano hopes to issue election ‘audit’ subpoenas within 2 weeks
Mastriano has been a leading proponent in Pennsylvania of former President Donald Trump's attempt to reverse his election loss.
4 years ago
Pennsylvania decertifies county’s voting system after ‘audit’
The action by Acting Secretary of State Veronica Degraffenreid almost certainly means that Fulton County will have to buy new voting machines or lease new ones.
4 years ago
Intelligence report: Russia tried to help Trump in 2020 election
The report says Russian leader Vladimir Putin authorized a campaign to help former President Donald Trump and undermine Joe Biden.
4 years ago
Pa. audit confirms Biden got more votes than Trump, but can’t tell us much else
While the audit's results indicate a high degree of confidence in the outcome, they cannot answer some of the finer questions about how the election was run.
4 years ago
‘If not for Donald Trump’: Montco’s Dean links riot to ‘actions of a desperate president’
But the bulk of Dean’s remarks had to do with the “pressure” she said Trump exerted over state and local election officials in Michigan, Georgia, and Pennsylvania.
4 years ago
Georgia district attorney is investigating Trump’s call to overturn election
Prosecutors are investigating whether Trump's phone call to pressure Georgia's secretary of state to overturn the state's election results in Trump's favor broke state law.
4 years ago
Watchdog probes if DOJ officials tried to overturn election
The investigation comes after the NYT reported that a former assistant attorney general had been discussing a plan with then-President Trump to oust the acting AG.
4 years ago
The NYT reports Perry linked Trump with a DOJ wyer who was willing to push an election-fraud investigation in Georgia — despite no evidence to support such claims.
4 years ago
Philly judge raises, but doesn’t revoke, bail for men accused of election interference
Joshua Macias and Antonio LaMotta will remain in custody until they can pay 10% of the difference. The judge again decided not to revoke bail.
4 years ago
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