Public Health
Laundry, WiFi, and a doctor on call? Philly landlord experiments with telehealth
A social impact-minded landlord is offering telemedicine services to tenants in Philadelphia buildings.
5 years ago
New case tests big question: Can Philly kids sue after getting sick in school buildings?
Dean Pagan has become a poster child for toxic conditions in Philly schools. But can his family sue the district for damages?
5 years ago
Philly Snapper soup comes with a side of zinc and lead, researchers find
Arcadia University researchers tested snapper soup served at 20 restaurants in Philadelphia and found elevated lead and zinc.
5 years ago
Listen 5:04In 2019, the legal fight over opioids unraveled into confusion and infighting
Every day, 130 Americans die from opioid overdoses, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.
5 years ago
Malnutrition hits the obese as well as the underfed
Hunger once seemed like a simple problem. Around the globe, often in low-income countries, many people didn't get enough calories.
5 years ago
Guests: Joe Hernandez, Kristen Graham On this week’s Regional Roundup; WHYY’s ...
Air Date: December 23, 2019 10:00 am
Listen 49:02How 30 years of broken promises, false starts led to another Philly asbestos closure
Officials have known for decades about building woes at a Philly H.S. But despite protests and promises, not much has changed.
5 years ago
Asbestos hazards temporarily close two more Philly schools
District and PFT clash over how Carnell situation was handled. Total since September now is six.
5 years ago
Another school closed as a result of potential asbestos danger
Franklin Learning Center is expected to re-open Jan. 2.
5 years ago
Carmen Maria Machado: “In a Dream House”
Writer Carmen Maria Machado discusses her memoir. "In a Dream House" about her abusive relationship with another woman writer.
Air Date: December 17, 2019 10:00 am
Listen 49:03They wanted to know: Why is narcotics trafficking and the violence that goes along with it so concentrated and so extreme in this part of the city?
5 years ago
Listen 2:23Berks DA issues public health alert after rash of overdoses
Twelve people overdosed in Berks County over the weekend. Three of them died.
5 years ago
One in three tests show Pa. water contamination, state says it’s not ‘widespread’
Amid federal inaction, there's no consensus on how much of the PFAS class of chemicals is too much.
5 years ago
Preliminary data shows record drop in New Jersey’s HIV/AIDS cases
An action plan is being finalized to meet Gov. Phil Murphy’s goal of ending new infections by 2025.
5 years ago
U.S. flu season arrives early, driven by an unexpected virus
The U.S. winter flu season is off to its earliest start in more than 15 years.
5 years ago