Changing Communities
Philly Fed: Homeowners in gentrifying neighborhoods suffer tax delinquency but not displacement
Through the study, the two researchers sought to untangle the impacts of wealthier people moving into less affluent neighborhoods.
7 years ago
Listen 4:14Poetry conveys sense of Philadelphia community
For National Poetry Month, Morning Edition host Jennifer Lynn asked listeners to write poems about their communities.
7 years ago
Listen 5:34Black in Rittenhouse and designing for a diverse city
One week ago, the arrest of two black men at a Rittenhouse Square Starbucks pushed a provocative idea about the racialization of urban space into mainstream conversation.
7 years ago
Planning officials put proposed community outreach rules on hold
The proposed regulation was initially introduced as a public-safety minded response to a recent North Philadelphia housefire that killed four residents of a rooming house.
7 years ago
Francisville is booming. The community is feuding.
Francisville is under construction.Walk down almost any street in this North Philadelphia neighborhood, and there are houses—or multi-unit buildings—getting built.
7 years ago
Trump vows to back law to protect marijuana industry
Republican Sen. Cory Gardner of Colorado said Friday that Trump made the pledge to him in a Wednesday night conversation.
7 years ago
Philly landlords evict more people than owners in other large cities
Philly ranks fourth among big cities for the raw number of court filings seeking to evict residents from their homes.
7 years ago
Listen 4:29Pa. distributors rescue some dairy farms while others face uncertain future
Two Pennsylvania distributors provided new markets for some dairy farms facing closure, but many other farms still struggle with staying in business.
7 years ago
Rural Pa. demands broadband access; providers cite logistical difficulties
About six percent of Pennsylvanians don't have access to broadband internet, but providers say providing service in rural areas are economically burdening.
7 years ago
Pa. dairy farms scrambling due to major contract termination
One of the nation’s largest dairy distributors is ending its contract with dozens of Pennsylvania dairy farms at the end of May.
7 years ago
Philly’s $9 million goodbye to Germantown’s worst landlord
Everyone has crossed paths with a bad landlord.
7 years ago
Listen 6:11We asked Philly to tell us what gentrification feels like. Here’s what we heard.
Here is some of the talkback we got on social media about our gentrification series.
7 years ago
Listen 5:46How Olney became one of Philly’s fastest-growing communities — without gentrification
No one could argue that Olney, in upper North Philadelphia, is gentrifying. But that doesn’t mean the neighborhood isn’t revitalizing.
7 years ago
Black middle class finds refuge in East Germantown’s diversity, gentrifying on their own terms
“I can’t reverse gentrification with one bookstore. But what I can do is model alternatives to what gentrification looks like,” said Hill.
7 years ago
3 maps that explain gentrification in Philadelphia
“Gentrification” is a word that gets tossed around a lot, especially in Philadelphia, a city where some neighborhoods are experiencing rapid demographic shifts.
7 years ago