SBA Administrator Isabella Casillas Guzman got a first-hand look at how Wilmington businesses are faring.
4 years ago
Cheyney to use stimulus money to erase unpaid student bills
The Delco HBCU said that in light of the hardships students and their families have experienced, it will forgive some unpaid student balances.
4 years ago
Philly area restaurants are requiring vaccination: A running list
Show your vax card, or dine outside.
4 years ago
Some local counties are scrambling to stop a wave of evictions after federal ban expires
A federal ban on evictions expired over the weekend, potentially putting millions of tenants at risk of eviction just as infections from the delta variant are on the rise.
4 years ago
Mask limbo: Philly businesses and shoppers create their own rules in void of cohesive message
Some business owners are making their own strict COVID-19 mitigation rules, while others are planning for a “normal” summer.
4 years ago
Listen 2:16Now, kids under 12 are getting their shot at COVID-19 vaccine clinical trials
A Pfizer clinical trial in younger kids is underway at Rutgers. WHYY’s Health Desk Help Desk talked to two families who signed up.
4 years ago
Listen 3:33Frustration as Biden, Congress allow eviction ban to expire
Millions of Americans face being forced from their homes with the midnight Saturday expiration of a moratorium on evictions during the pandemic.
4 years ago
Philly, several suburban counties now seeing substantial COVID-19 transmission
Days after the CDC issued new masking guidance for fully vaccinated people, much of the Philadelphia region is experiencing “substantial” levels of COVID-19 transmission.
4 years ago
Tokyo’s new COVID-19 infections hit a record again, topping 4,000 for the first time
Japan's capital has exceeded 4,000 coronavirus infections for the first time — 4,058 cases, to be exact. That's a record high.
4 years ago
Back to the office? Not yet. Companies scramble to adjust to delta variant
For a while there, it seemed like things were finally heading back to normal. Now, not so much.
4 years ago
Pa. Department of Health to manage coronavirus-related services for Delco
Delaware County has no health department, so Chester County handled its pandemic response until now. The new arrangement begins Aug. 1.
4 years ago
The state’s largest hospital system says all workers must have at least one dose by Sept. 21 if they want to keep their job.
4 years ago
CDC team: ‘War has changed’ as delta variant dangers emerge
New evidence shows the delta variant is as contagious as chickenpox and may be more dangerous than other versions.
4 years ago
How vaccination rate in Philly varies by race/ethnicity and age
Case counts in Philadelphia more than tripled over the latter half of July.
4 years ago
Pa. coronavirus update: Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia to mandate vaccines for all employees
While the Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia had planned on waiting until the vaccine got “full FDA licensure,” the rising threat of the delta variant upended those plans.
4 years ago