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Far-right using COVID-19 theories to grow reach, study shows
White supremacists and far-right extremists are using the social media platform Telegram to expand their reach and recruit followers.
3 years ago
COVID-19 fears dash hopes for the holiday season — again
This year’s holiday season was supposed to be a do-over for last year’s subdued celebrations. Instead it’s turning into a redux of restrictions and rising angst.
3 years ago
Philly health officials urge flu vaccine for kids as hospitals reach their limits
Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia is already feeling the strain of providing for patients as flu season adds to demand from COVID-19.
3 years ago
CDC advisers vote to narrow use of J&J vaccine due to concerns about rare blood clots
The recommendation was prompted by the occurrence of a rare and sometimes fatal blood clotting problem called thrombosis with thrombocytopenia syndrome, or TTS.
3 years ago
Dogs, cats, ferrets, rabbits, otters, hyenas and white-tailed deer are among the animals that have tested positive, in most cases after contracting it from infected people.
3 years ago
From blood clots to infected neurons, how COVID threatens the brain
The virus that causes COVID-19 can cause strokes, inflammation, oxygen deprivation and infection in the brain. And each of these may lead to long-term neurological problems.
3 years ago
The new rules take effect on Jan. 3. But business owners are wondering how to verify vaccine cards are legit and handle issues that arise.
3 years ago
As omicron spreads, health experts push for mask mandates. But few states have one
Just ten states have active mask mandates, despite the fact that omicron is moving in on the U.S. fast. Despite their political unpopularity, research shows masks still work.
3 years ago
Colleges go back to drawing board — again — to fight COVID
Colleges across the U.S. are starting to require booster shots, extend mask mandates, and in some cases revert to online classes as they brace for the new omicron variant.
3 years ago
Omicron evades Moderna vaccine too, study suggests, but boosters help
The Moderna vaccine's ability to shield against infection drops sharply when tested on the omicron variant. But getting a booster pumps the protection back up again.
3 years ago
Pennsylvania asks FEMA for help with COVID surge
The Wolf administration requested that FEMA send strike teams to hospitals, skilled nursing facilities, and ambulance companies in the hardest-hit areas of the state.
3 years ago
U.S. faces a double coronavirus surge as omicron advances
The latest COVID-19 surge threatens to further stretch hospital workers and upend holiday plans for the second year in a row.
3 years ago
Philly health commissioner advises against holiday gatherings
With an increase of new COVID-19 cases after Thanksgiving, Bettigole warns holiday gatherings could cause a surge hospitals in the city may have difficulties handling.
3 years ago
Where are the students? For a second straight year, school enrollment is dropping
The declines many school districts reported last year have continued, an NPR investigation finds. What educators don't know is where those students have gone.
3 years ago
COVID cases are up on Philly’s college campuses. Universities aren’t doing much about it
Many schools force you to toggle between at least 3 pages to get an accurate picture of the situation.
3 years ago
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