TTF leaders and the Cheltenham Township Manager Robert Zienkowski have a meeting on Monday to try and come to an understanding.
4 years ago
How Philly transformed a trolley station into a garden
40th Street’s Trolley Portal Gardens is a perfect example of how greening transit spaces in Philadelphia is good for the economy, communities, and our city.
4 years ago
‘Gotta get a bucket’: Media Borough debuts municipal-wide composting program
The borough hopes the program will reduce household waste up to 30%, create nutrient-rich soil, and lower the carbon footprint.
4 years ago
There’s not a cloud in the sky, but your house could still be underwater
Coastal neighborhoods around the U.S. are seeing a steady increase in high tide flooding, as sea level rise accelerates and sends seawater into homes, sewers and streets.
4 years ago
EPA-approved fracking chemicals include substances known as ‘forever chemicals’
Pennsylvania’s fracking disclosure law allows exemptions for trade secrets, and does not require drillers to disclose chemicals used to drill a well.
4 years ago
Delaware tightens loophole in law restricting single-use plastic bags
The law that took effect in January allowed for thicker bags of 2.25 millimeters. Lawmakers didn’t think stores would use them, but many have.
4 years ago
What researchers are learning about air pollution and the pandemic shutdown
With the shutdown in spring 2020 came a sharp reduction in traffic and a decrease in nitrogen oxide emissions worldwide — a unique research opportunity.
4 years ago
As Philadelphia works to tackle climate change, a question emerges: Is PGW on board?
The city-owned gas utility has discussed with industry groups a Pa. Senate bill that would prevent Philly from taking steps to promote electrification.
4 years ago
Listen 6:08Earth is barreling toward 1.5 degrees Celsius of warming, scientists warn
"We're seeing accelerating change in our climate," says Randall Cerveny, a climate scientist at Arizona State University.
4 years ago
Climate change’s impact on Hurricane Sandy has a price: $8 billion
Using flood maps and sea-level rise measurements, researchers found that human-induced sea-level rise caused an estimated $8 billion in excess flooding damage during Sandy.
4 years ago
Climate activists and ecologists oppose the Lower Merion School District’s latest plan to build playing fields for its overcrowded middle schools.
4 years ago
EPA moves to cut a powerful greenhouse gas
It's the first concrete regulatory step the Biden administration has taken to tackle planet-warming emissions since the President announced ambitious goals ten days ago.
4 years ago
Why having diverse government scientists is key to dealing with climate change
Decades of underfunding, political interference and systemic race and gender bias have undercut trust among many government scientists.
4 years ago
The Woodmere Museum builds hugels as environmental art
The Woodmere Museum turns a traditional mounded gardening technique into land art.
4 years ago
Listen 2:29John Kerry says climate change is an ‘existential’ crisis
President Biden is pledging to reduce greenhouse gas emissions by 50-52% from 2005 levels by 2030.
4 years ago