Changing Communities
What happens when you reinstate an anti-poverty program and no one knows about it?
Hungry people, experts will tell you, are always silent.
7 years ago
New plans for Chinatown development show a lush park
The proposed development will replace a city-owned parking bounded by Race Street and the Vine Street Expressway, between Eighth and Ninth Streets.
7 years ago
Study: More than $1B in N.J. property value gone since 2005
In New Jersey, more than $1 billion of relative property value has disappeared, with Long Beach Island losing $541 million and nearly $531 million gone in Ocean City.
7 years ago
Mostly behind the scenes, the work of Rebuild begins
Rebuild is finally underway.
7 years ago
Unique housing program combats ‘studentification’ in neighborhoods surrounding Penn State
It’s a short walk from the municipal building in downtown State College where Ed LeClear works as borough planning director to a two-st ...
7 years ago
Listen 5:34On front lines of opioid crisis, recovery houses slowly accepting contested treatment approach
Patients using medication-assisted treatments slowly being accepted into group recovery homes.
7 years ago
Listen 6:14Ahead of climate change projections, some Pa. farmers make adaptations to new weather patterns
For many farmers in the state, last month's intense precipitation is part of a pattern of weather changes of which they are trying to adapt.
7 years ago
A cherished mural falls victim to Philadelphia redevelopment
A mural commemorating children lost to violence was 'memory lane' for the community. Now, the developer promises to replace the neighborhood memorial.
7 years ago
Listen 4:26Camden announces playful future for illegal dump
The 10-acre site could begin to sport athletic fields as soon as next summer.
7 years ago
Listen 1:41What if the library could mend public life?
Ashley Hahn checks out the Free Library’s Center for Public Life, a new unit that’s aiming to connect Philadelphians of every stripe through cultural and civic programs.
7 years ago
Philly Free Streets enjoyed by walkers, cyclists, beach lovers — but not drivers
Inspired by the Pope’s 2015 visit, the event closed down Broad Street from City Hall to Germantown Avenue.
7 years ago
‘Unite The Right’ rally forced Charlottesville to rethink town’s racial history
After a deadly clash between white nationalists and counterprotesters on Aug. 12 last year, Charlottesville has become shorthand for racial strife.
7 years ago
Through a looking glass of black Americana: the long, strange journey of Oran Z
In the western tip of the Mojave Desert, a couple of hours north of Los Angeles, a lone McMansion-style villa sits on 10 acres surrounded by a fence.
7 years ago
Now that court has ruled, a resurgent Rebuild selects Harrowgate playground for rehab
In addition to improving the facilities’ themselves, Rebuild has been billed as a project that would enhance equity and economic development throughout the city.
7 years ago
Grays Ferry’s long-closed Lanier Playground reopens, with new hope and new purpose
Located in the heart of Grays Ferry, Lanier Playground had been closed since 05, but memories of when it brimmed with activity stayed alive in longtime neighborhood residents
7 years ago