Liz is a health and science reporter working on WHYY’s The Pulse. Liz is a recent radio convert, whose interests include social determinants of health, watchdog journalism, and all things related to the brain. Before coming to WHYY, Liz spent seven years as a music writer in Beijing.
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Environmental toxicologist Trevor Penning says there’s no need to change your barbecue garb just yet.
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Do soda taxes help or hurt the poor?
Supporters say taxing sugary drinks is a boon for public health — detractors say the levy is a menace for low-income communities. Who’s right?
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Listen 9:13Baking soda could improve cancer treatment, study finds
It's not the first time that baking soda has been investigated as a potential aid to cancer therapy, but it’s the first study to reveal how and why it’s able to help.
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Fears and evidence clash in the battle over kratom
The government is reviewing the status of an herbal supplement touted to ease opioid addiction.
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Listen 9:58Lehigh researchers enlist bats to predict Ebola outbreaks
Researchers at Lehigh University have developed a new tool that could help pinpoint where and when Ebola outbreaks will occur.
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Philadelphia revs up for first celebration of World Laughter Day
The annual event grew from the laughter yoga movement, a kind of exercise that combines improvisational play with yogic breathing and meditation.
7 years ago
Listen 2:20For houses vulnerable to flooding, elevation can be a solution. But how do you raise a home that’s connected to others?
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Listen 12:58How do astronauts deal with conflict in cramped quarters?
Getting along with your coworkers can be tough in any job – much less one where you eat, sleep and work just feet away from one ano ...
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Offering homeless vets social support first — before housing
Veterans on Patrol runs controversial, sometimes illegal, camps to get chronically homeless vets off the street.
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Listen 5:55In a room of their own, women find path to recovery
Sex-specific treatment is changing the fight against female addiction. When Tanya Barie, 33, relapsed after almost a year of sobri ...
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