David Woods
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Churchill had a tendency to tipple, but the ‘British Bulldog’ was no boozehound
'The Darkest Hour seems to show the prime minister with a whisky in every scene, but as he famously said, 'I have taken more out of alcohol than alcohol has taken out of me.'
7 years ago
A glossary for those whose English is anguished
Sometimes a words seems built intentionally to trick us.
7 years ago
And now for something completely different: British humor
If Britain has its eccentrics and wits, can America lay claim to its own kind of drollery? Or are we hampered by political correctness or the fear of offense?
7 years ago
International medical travelers a boon to Philadelphia
The Philadelphia region boasts more than 20 universities and colleges, as well as five medical schools and schools of nursing and health care administration.
7 years ago
History instructs, and we ignore it at our great peril
Of course, learning from history requires a modicum of reading and knowledge, attributes seemingly lacking in our 45th president.
7 years ago
Who in his right mind wants to die at 75?
He claims, though, that he won't actively end his life — he's always been opposed to euthanasia, and to "death with dignity" — he will not try to prolong it either.
7 years ago
What do Americans see in British royalty?
Even though Americans dismissed the English king in 1776, they still, 250 years later, seem to have a residual affection for — and curiosity about — the British royals.
8 years ago
In India, there is an old saying that doctors are second to god on this earth. The Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, ...
8 years ago
Whatever happened to penmanship?
Have we lost the art of good handwriting, an art that indicates patience, care and self-respect?
8 years ago
Silence, far from being golden, is the terror of modern communication. For those of us forced to endure the prattling of people who, havi ...
8 years ago
Time for Americans to take a break?
A recent study estimates that 36 percent of U.S. workers suffer from work-related stress that costs businesses $30 billion a year in lost workdays.
8 years ago
Humor is a powerful tool in a doctor’s arsenal
There’s a body of opinion that believes that laughter might, for some illnesses, be the best medicine.
8 years ago