Central Bucks School Board hikes superintendent’s salary by nearly 40%
Lucabaugh is now one of the highest-paid superintendents in Pennsylvania. The three Democratic board members say they were unaware of the contract until it was on the agenda.
2 years ago
Former Glen Mills campus plans to admit students in September
West Chester Area School District is charged with educating Clock Tower’s students. The district fears it doesn’t have enough time to prepare.
2 years ago
Now that the deadline to appeal has passed, it is important schools turn their attention to “their primary and most important task — educating students,” said Cutler.
2 years ago
Listen 5:16Pa.’s latest bid to regulate cyber charter schools would lower tuition payments, boost transparency
Democrats and Republicans agree that Pa.’s rules for cyber charter schools are outdated, but they differ on what changes to make.
2 years ago
The presence of school resource officers, sometimes called school police, comes with tradeoffs for Black students according to a new report.
2 years ago
Mapping last year’s partial survey lets you see where each school stands compared to the rest.
2 years ago
Students in shortchanged Pennsylvania school districts plug away while lawmakers dither over funding
By pursuing funding equity in court, financially challenged Pennsylvania districts are following a well-traveled school reform path.
2 years ago
Now hiring: Hundreds of job seekers flood School District of Philadelphia job fair
The district is hoping to fill 1,000 vacancies before the start of the new school year.
2 years ago
Pennsylvania budget still in turmoil over school vouchers and equity funding case
The state government is approaching a second week without full spending authority.
2 years ago
Impasse on funding for Pennsylvania universities could mean higher tuition
The state government approached two weeks without full spending authority on Tuesday. Funding for Penn State, the University of Pittsburgh and Temple is in limbo.
2 years ago
School District of Philadelphia names new deputy superintendent of academic services
Dawson currently serves as the chief academic and accountability officer for city schools in Birmingham, Ala.
2 years ago
Philadelphia teachers fear school district is wasting time and money on a new curriculum
The new materials come with more rigid teaching requirements, which some believe will only widen the learning gap.
2 years ago
School funding in Pa. has to change. Does N.J. have the answers?
In a landmark court decision, Pa.'s school funding system was ruled unconstitutional. Now, lawmakers have to address its underlying inequities.
Air Date: June 27, 2023
Listen 35:39West Chester school district asks Pa. officials to delay opening of Clock Tower Schools
West Chester’s attorney sent a letter to state officials saying the district isn’t prepared to provide education services to students when Clock Tower opens on July 1.
2 years ago
A look at the trial — and ruling — that could change Pa.’s school funding system forever
Pennsylvania’s constitution says the legislature has to provide for a “thorough and efficient” system of schools. But what does that really mean?
Air Date: June 20, 2023
Listen 32:11Funders