Trump-backed ACA repeal unwise for Pa., DePasquale says
Using data from the state Insurance Department, Auditor General Eugene DePasquale said that over of 1.1 million people in Pa. can attribute their healthcare to the ACA.
6 years ago
Glen Mills school to lay off about 250 amid abuse investigations
The oldest reform school in the country has announced plans to lay off about 250 staff members at the Pennsylvania campus amid state probes into allegations of child abuse.
6 years ago
DHS: Welfare officers missed red flags in Grace Packer’s brutal murder in Bucks County
The heavily-redacted report notes the full histories children have with Pennsylvania welfare officials often aren’t shared across counties and states.
6 years ago
Secretary of state talks immigration, Venezuela at Army War College
At the U.S. Army War College in Carlisle, Pa., Secretary of State Mike Pompeo told military officers from the U.S. and its allies to be ready to face emerging threats.
6 years ago
Bucks County cyberstalking case inspires U.S. measure to get tougher on offenders
A measure that aims to toughen penalties for cyberstalkers has bipartisan backing from U.S. Sens. Pat Toomey and Bob Casey and U.S. Rep. Brian Fitzpatrick.
6 years ago
Poll shows Pennsylvanians’ concerns about climate change are increasing
The survey found 68 percent of respondents “definitely” or “probably” want the state to do more to address climate change.
6 years ago
Company reveals amount of toxic PFAS substitute it sent to plant in South Jersey
The company’s newly released report, which it sent to the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, raises fresh concerns over the possible contamination of local drinking water.
6 years ago
Pa. House positions overhauled statute of limitations bills for another run
Revived Pa. effort to extend statute of limitations in future cases of sex abuse follows a bitter dispute over whether to allow retroactive lawsuits in certain cases.
6 years ago
Vestige of the past, Pa. House’s ‘lobbyist room’ vanishes
It happened without any warning: The "lobbyist room" at the back of Pennsylvania's House of Representatives chamber was closed and is now off limits to lobbyists.
6 years ago
40 years later, the prospect of a Three Mile Island-related evacuation remains daunting
The last several decades have brought more detailed plans and better technology, but the people responsible for TMI disaster prep say there will always be unknowns.
6 years ago
Bucks County group envisions African-American museum
The African American Museum of Bucks County wants to develop a permanent museum that tells the stories of blacks in Bucks County.
6 years ago
Poll: Public split on whether state should act to prop up nuclear industry
A new poll found Pennsylvania voters generally support nuclear energy, but on the question of whether the state should prop up struggling plants, that support is mixed.
6 years ago
State Rep. Boyle calls for prayers in Pa. Legislature to respect all religions
“What we saw earlier this week was a fire and brimstone Evangelical prayer that epitomizes religious intolerance,” said state Rep. Kevin Boyle (D-Philadelphia).
6 years ago
Exulting in Philly’s great treasure of blossoming trees
Pennsylvania Horticultural Society educator, Sally McCabe talks the timeline of trees as they get ready to burst into blossom.
6 years ago
Listen 6:09Civil disobedience at Three Mile Island vigil
'Sometimes you have to teach the younger generation that they have to come out and cross a line to make a point.'
6 years ago