Higher Education
Work in addiction recovery? You could get $100K to pay back student loans
A state program is doling out $5 million to encourage professionals to help curb the overdose crisis.
5 years ago
Academic, banking leader Tony Allen named president at Delaware State University
Former Bank of America executive who has been Del State’s provost, Allen says he’s committed to continue diversifying the historically black university.
5 years ago
New Delaware flight program aims to lessen pilot shortage, reduce costs
Airlines need 800,000 new pilots in the next 20 years, but flight schools and air time are expensive. A new aviation program hopes to change that.
5 years ago
Listen 4:56Fewer students are going to college. Here’s why that matters.
This fall, there were nearly 250,000 fewer students enrolled in college than a year ago, according to new numbers from the National Student Clearinghouse Research Center.
5 years ago
Hunger on New Jersey campuses is more common than you may think
Efforts are increasing to help students who aren’t getting enough nutritious food; by one estimate, as many as one-third suffer from ‘food insecurity’
5 years ago
Betsy DeVos overruled Education Dept. findings on defrauded student borrowers
Documents obtained by NPR shed new light on a bitter fight between defrauded student borrowers and U.S. Education Secretary Betsy DeVos.
5 years ago
Students fear controversial move could be the final act for prestigious N.J. choir college
Students at Westminster Choir College worry an address change will mean the end, with nine months to move, and no shovels in the ground.
5 years ago
Listen 4:29Pharmacist, know thyself: University of the Sciences discovers its own history
The University of the Sciences hired a pharmacy historian to comb through its 200-year-old archive.
5 years ago
Forgiving student debt would boost economy, economists say
Economists say the dramatic proposals from Sanders and Warren to free millions of Americans from the burden of student debt could boost the economy in significant ways.
5 years ago
Cheyney University is keeping its accreditation
Cheyney University will keep its accreditation, state leaders and university administrators announced in a letter to faculty, staff and students on Monday.
5 years ago
Virtual reality meets industry reality at Philly universities
Drexel and University of the Arts each open virtual reality studios, for art and industry
5 years ago
Future of Cheyney at stake ahead of final school accreditation decision
Cheyney University has run out of lifelines and delays over the status of its accreditation.
5 years ago
Betsy DeVos and the high-stakes standoff over student loan forgiveness
According to the most recent federal data, as of June 2019 more than 210,000 borrowers were waiting to have their claims processed under a 1995 rule known as borrower defense.
5 years ago