Vaping and vaccines to forefront in 2019 healthcare debates
Enduring opioid epidemic, rising cost of prescription drugs and of health care overall are set to remain big issues for patients, providers and state officials.
5 years ago
Auto plant closures may lead to more opioid overdose deaths, Penn study finds
New research finds opioid overdose deaths could increase by as much as 85% in counties where auto plants close.
5 years ago
A new way to quit? Psychedelic therapy offers promise for smoking cessation
For many Americans, hallucinogens still evoke the psychedelic '60s, bringing to mind the sex-and-drugs lifestyle of the hippie counterculture.
5 years ago
Face of Prevention Point leaves after 25 years: ‘The trauma was starting to take its toll’
Elvis Rosado was a pivotal part of the Kensington harm reduction nonprofit.
5 years ago
Deb Beck is a formidable power player in Harrisburg, influencing the state’s response to a drug addiction epidemic. But critics say 'there is more to the story.’
5 years ago
Berks DA issues public health alert after rash of overdoses
Twelve people overdosed in Berks County over the weekend. Three of them died.
5 years ago
Preliminary data shows record drop in New Jersey’s HIV/AIDS cases
An action plan is being finalized to meet Gov. Phil Murphy’s goal of ending new infections by 2025.
5 years ago
‘A new start’ — in recovery and learning to make musical instruments In Appalachia
People have been playing music together in the small Appalachian town of Hindman, Ky., since it was founded in the late 1800s.
5 years ago
Flavored vape ban for minors passes in City Council
By restricting where products can be sold, the law aims to prevent minors from getting addicted, but leaves room for adults who vape to quit smoking.
5 years ago
Philly-area teens are suing Juul for getting them addicted to vaping
Local school districts have also filed federal complaints against the e-cig giant.
5 years ago
Don’t toss that e-cig: Vaping waste is a whole new headache for schools and cities
In her office at Boulder High School, the assistant principal has a large cardboard box where she can toss the spoils of her ongoing battle with the newest student addiction.
5 years ago
Delaware partners with Google to make searching for addiction treatment easier
The state says the new collaboration with Google will smooth the internet hunt for information about substance-use treatment and other resources in Delaware.
5 years ago
Frightening facts parents should know about teens and binge drinking
Studies are accumulating showing the teen brain, consistently plied with alcohol, won’t reach maturity and damaged genetic material may be passed on.
5 years ago
Binge drinking and teenagers: What are they thinking?
Like adults, teens drink to escape and numb pain, but with little regard for how they might hurt their brains in the process.
5 years ago