Avir Mitra
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How the placenta evolved from an ancient virus
When evolutionary biologists studied the protein involved in fusing placenta cells, it didn’t look like it came from human DNA. It looked like a virus.
5 years ago
Listen 9:16Doctors are trained to remove maggots from patients, but could it be that maggots are actually there to help?
6 years ago
Listen 08:55Why don’t young doctors want to work in primary care?
Half the money and none of the respect, a first-year resident says no wonder new doctors aren’t choosing to be generalists. ...
9 years ago
Listen 16:24If your heart stops…let it be at the craps table
Ah…ah…ah…ah…Stayin’ Alive. The moment your heart stops pumping blood is the moment you stop ...
9 years ago
ListenDoes beginner’s luck really exist or is it all in our heads?
Beginner’s luck. It’s an idea that’s been around for generations. It even has its own Wikipedia page. But does it reall ...
10 years ago
ListenA cross-country flight quickly turns into a medical student’s worst nightmare. As the long Thanksgiving weekend of 2014 drew ...
10 years ago
ListenNew blood test could indicate long-term severity of concussions
Over the past 15 years, scientists and physicians have come to realize that concussions are very serious injuries. In fact, about 20 perc ...
10 years ago
ListenTaming our inner CEO to find creativity
Can we hack the brain to make it more creative? I’ve always been fascinated by the creative pr ...
11 years ago
ListenA little-known corner of the Affordable Care Act could usher home visits by doctors back into the medical mainstream. A long ...
11 years ago
ListenHow doctors talk about brain death
When physicians declare a patient as dead, what exactly do they mean? “Hi Mr. Smith, I’m Dr. Goldberg, I’m the t ...
11 years ago
ListenOne doctor’s mission to recycle pacemakers for patients in India
A Pennsylvania doctor is turning medical trash into life-saving gold. It’s not every day that I discuss the best way to evad ...
11 years ago