The Choice 2020: Trump v. Biden
Delaware electors beam with pride as they cast votes for Joe Biden
Even though the ballots signed Monday don’t play a deciding role in the outcome of the election, they are a point of pride for the three electors and voters in the state.
4 years ago
Early in-person voting begins in Georgia Senate runoffs
What could be the main event in Georgia's two U.S. Senate runoffs — early in-person voting — got underway Monday.
4 years ago
Pennsylvania casts 20 electoral college votes for Biden
Pennsylvania’s 20 electors have cast their votes for Joe Biden. This was expected — though some Republicans still want to circumvent the result.
4 years ago
Electors across the country vote for president: What you need to know
Typically, the Electoral College vote is broadly overlooked. But because of President Trump's efforts to overturn the election, every step is being closely watched.
4 years ago
Electoral College vote a big step to move past election
The electors' ballots are sent to Congress, where they are to be read into the official record by Vice President Mike Pence during a joint session on Jan. 6.
4 years ago
A diorama of Four Seasons Total Landscaping will sell for $15,000 in Berlin
Artist Tracey Snelling, who has never been to Philadelphia, specializes in multimedia sculpture.
4 years ago
Supreme Court shuts door on Trump election prospects
"Texas has not demonstrated a judicially cognizable interest in the manner in which another State conducts its elections," the Court wrote.
4 years ago
Hundreds of GOP members sign onto Texas-led election lawsuit
106 members of Congress and multiple state attorneys general signed onto the case even as some have predicted it will fail.
4 years ago
Pennsylvania blasts Texas’ bid to overturn Biden’s election
The lawsuit from the Texas attorney general demands that the 62 total Electoral College votes in Georgia, Michigan, Pennsylvania and Wisconsin be invalidated.
4 years ago
The 2020 election cost Pa. counties millions in OT, was most expensive ever, officials say
The pandemic and a new vote-by-mail system overwhelmed already overworked election offices, but some tapped federal pandemic stimulus money to help cover costs.
4 years ago
Trump asks Supreme Court to let him join widely scorned Texas election lawsuit
Officials in the states targeted in the suit — Georgia, Wisconsin, Michigan and Pennsylvania — derided it as nothing more than an unfounded publicity stunt.
4 years ago
Tracing Montco’s decades-long shift from GOP stronghold to boon for Biden
Two big reasons stand out: Republicans lost many of their moderate voters here as the GOP crept rightward, and suburbs have further diversified.
4 years ago
Coordination between independent expenditure groups and campaigns is forbidden. But weak state and federal campaign finance rules and meager oversight create gray areas.
4 years ago
High court rejects GOP bid to halt Biden’s Pennsylvania win
The court without comment Tuesday refused to call into question the certification process in Pennsylvania.
4 years ago
Trump campaign appeals another ballot case in Pennsylvania
The appeal, filed Friday, is one of at least four pending cases in which Trump or Republicans are trying to throw out certain ballots or trying to upend the entire election.
4 years ago
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