We asked Philly to tell us what gentrification feels like. Here’s what we heard.
Here is some of the talkback we got on social media about our gentrification series.
7 years ago
Listen 5:46How Olney became one of Philly’s fastest-growing communities — without gentrification
No one could argue that Olney, in upper North Philadelphia, is gentrifying. But that doesn’t mean the neighborhood isn’t revitalizing.
7 years ago
Black middle class finds refuge in East Germantown’s diversity, gentrifying on their own terms
“I can’t reverse gentrification with one bookstore. But what I can do is model alternatives to what gentrification looks like,” said Hill.
7 years ago
3 maps that explain gentrification in Philadelphia
“Gentrification” is a word that gets tossed around a lot, especially in Philadelphia, a city where some neighborhoods are experiencing rapid demographic shifts.
7 years ago
Graham wants the main beneficiaries to be people like herself, residents who stuck with the neighborhood during its darkest moments.
7 years ago
Listen 5:59The surprising truth behind the racial dynamics of gentrification in Philly
While it may be harder to tell, data suggests white neighborhoods in Philly are actually gentrifying faster than black neighborhoods.
7 years ago
Listen 7:37From slums to sleek towers: How Philly became cleaner, safer, and more unequal
The reinvention of Society Hill in the 1960s is widely considered one of the first instances of gentrification — although no one called it that at the time.
7 years ago
Listen 6:37‘Gentrified’ series draws out stories about changing relationships across Philly
As neighborhoods gentrify, there is a complex web of effects — some positive, some negative. This week WHYY is examining those changes from the ground up.
7 years ago
Listen 5:03