Sex & Relationships
Jeanette Winterson on AI and the future of human connection
Writer Jeanette Winterson explores artificial intelligence and how it may change our lives, relationships, sex, religion -- even death.
Air Date: July 28, 2023 12:00 pm
Listen 50:37Sorry, Sorry, Sorry: A Guide to a Good Apology
Why is it so hard to say sorry? Marjorie Ingall and Susan McCarthy, authors of the book "Sorry, Sorry, Sorry," share the six essential steps to a good apology.
Air Date: June 1, 2023 12:00 pm
Listen 50:52The Gottmans’ Love Prescription
Drs. John and Julie Gottman have spent decades studying romantic relationships. They share what they've learned and discuss their new book, "The Love Prescription."
Air Date: April 28, 2023 12:00 pm
Listen 50:40Post-sex pill seen as new tool to fight rising STD rates
Experts believe STDs have been rising because of declining condom use, inadequate sex education, and reduced testing during the COVID-19 pandemic.
2 years ago
‘Doing Delco Safely’: Delaware County Health Department unveils free mail-order condom program
The new free mail-order condom program, named “Doing Delco Safely,” is meant to combat rising rates of sexually transmitted infections across the county.
2 years ago
Pitch-A-Friend nights invite people to pump up their pals in person.
2 years ago
For many of us, our relationship with a sibling will be the longest we'll ever have. We'll talk about our sibling relationships and how they shape who we are.
Air Date: February 3, 2023 12:00 pm
Listen 50:14Poll: Most N.J. adults favor sex education in middle and high schools
A new poll finds more than 70% of New Jersey adults favor sex education being taught in middle schools, 88% agree it should be taught in high schools.
2 years ago
A new Philly podcast offers ‘real talk’ about love and relationships
Conscious Connections brings local couples together to talk about their love, communication, and much more. The show is hosted by Nicole Blackson.
3 years ago
Listen 1:57‘Foreverland: On the Divine Tedium of Marriage’
A new book, 'Foreverland', has been called an "illuminating, poignant, and savagely funny examination of modern marriage from Ask Polly advice columnist Heather Havrilesky."
Air Date: March 15, 2022 10:00 am
Listen 49:29The dark origins of Valentine’s Day
Valentine's Day is a time to celebrate romance and love and kissy-face fealty. But the ancient Romans had bloodier, drunker and more naked notions to mark the occasion.
3 years ago
Done with dating apps, some Philadelphians turn to Facebook groups for a more personal connection
People endorse their friends, relatives, and colleagues, adding a human touch to the process.
3 years ago
How a glitch on a dating app brought one couple together
Tinder told this couple they were less than a mile away and sparked an intercontinental romance.
3 years ago
Listen 6:38A new Pennridge School District policy limiting student access to books and resources related to gender identity has ignited a battle over civil rights.
3 years ago
Interrupting and the art of conversation
"As offices and schools reopen, and we venture into more in-person social gatherings, we’re having to relearn how to have conversations," says Deborah Tannen.
Air Date: October 6, 2021 10:00 am
Listen 49:00