Public Health
Delaware officials say opioid prescriptions declining
The Division of Professional Regulations say new regulations are preventing over prescribing.
7 years ago
EPA bars scientists with agency funding from advisory boards
The Environmental Protection Agency's Administrator, Scott Pruitt, has issued a new policy restricting who can serve on the agency's advisory boards.
7 years ago
During Irma, some Miami evacuees felt left behind in their own city
As the hurricane threatened, Miami-Dade County opened more than 40 shelters for people who needed a safe place to go. Some low-income, vulnerable people needed more support.
7 years ago
Listen 4:48N.J. DEP sets nation’s strictest limit on chemical in drinking water
PFOA has been linked to cancer, high cholesterol, and developmental problems in young children
7 years ago
Legislative prescriptions targeting opioid crisis accompany Trump declaration
Representatives from Delaware, New Jersey and Pennsylvania offers bills addressing fentanyl smuggling, medical education and greater regional cooperation.
7 years ago
Listen 5:05Time in maximum security prisons helps nurses learn non-biased, compassionate care
Nursing students go through several rotations, and, at Jefferson College of Nursing in Philadelphia, that can include time at a maximum security prison.
7 years ago
Tom Carper and Chris Coons joined 33 other senators in sending a letter to FEMA and USACE demanding an expedited and more coordinated power restoration effort.
7 years ago
Who in his right mind wants to die at 75?
He claims, though, that he won't actively end his life — he's always been opposed to euthanasia, and to "death with dignity" — he will not try to prolong it either.
7 years ago
Educating about the end of life, with some fun thrown in
The idea of the third annual “Before I Die” festival in Collingswood, New Jersey was to make uncomfortable conversations around death easier.
7 years ago
Does Trump's health emergency declaration do enough to address the opioid crisis?
Trump’s public health emergency will allow the federal government to spend from a public health emergency fund, but that fund currently stands at a paltry $57,000.
7 years ago
Listen 2:02Trump declares opioids a public health emergency
Administration officials have made clear that the declaration, which lasts for 90 days and can be renewed, comes with no dedicated dollars.
7 years ago
Delaware confirms first flu cases of the season
The Delaware Division of Public Health confirmed six people are among the first to be diagnosed with the flu for the 2017-2018 season.
7 years ago
Pharma, medical groups blast N.J. push to limit compensation to doctors
In a new push to fight the opioid crisis, New Jersey state officials are trying to stop the flow of legal but highly addictive painkillers at the source: doctors.
7 years ago
Suicide prevention is everyone’s job
More people die by suicide than by motor vehicle crashes. And if you think you are immune, you are not.
7 years ago
“This was a failure of government," said Pa. Attorney General Josh Shapiro.
7 years ago