Stacia Friedman
More from the Contributor
Not all clothing collection bins are about good will
Gain space in your closet while improving the quality of life for someone less fortunate.
7 years ago
Philly moms fight back against gun violence
I’m not a mom. But I am a daughter, sister, and aunt committed to changing my status from passive observer to activist against mass shootings.
7 years ago
These sexual harassment scandals are giving me déjà vu
Why should a man’s political affiliation determine how swiftly he is judged in the court of public opinion and terminated from his job?
7 years ago
Gaining a second mother, then learning to let her go
I had lost my own mother to dementia years ago and know the signs. It's as if Adele, at 92, is in a holding pattern. No longer “here,” but not yet gone.
7 years ago
Bringing a little Hope into my life
When my cat went to her Great Reward 18 months ago, I told myself, “Never again!” And then, one day, out of the blue, I made the call. “Linda? I’m ready to adopt a cat."
7 years ago
Op-ed: Hate mail from a ‘friend’
When my friend Bonnie told me she received a three-page letter in the mail, it piqued my interest. Who writes anything longer than a twee ...
8 years ago
Essay: Be careful what you say; body shaming isn’t just for overweight people
“You eat like a bird,” said a woman I barely knew. She eyed the half scone I had left on my plate contemptuously, while dabbi ...
8 years ago
Sometimes you can’t wait to escape from vacation
I now know why people feel compelled to travel. It isn’t for love of the open road, exotic adventure or an overwhelming desire for ...
8 years ago
Everyone’s talking. Is anyone listening?
A Jew and two Arabs walk into a room. They play beautiful music together, erasing the cultural, political, and religious boundaries that ...
8 years ago
Calling all artists … or maybe not
When the Free Library put out a call for Philadelphia artists who are "seeking a wider audience for their work and would like to get paid for it," I was hopeful.
8 years ago
As I inch my car around the Art Museum circle, through a maze of orange cones and forklifts, I try to remember why this is happening. Why ...
8 years ago
Neighbors can help prevent domestic abuse
It was 3 a.m. I sat up in bed, disoriented. A man and a woman were shouting. Then I heard a loud thud, followed by a banging sound, as if furniture was being moved.
8 years ago