Liz is a health and science reporter working on WHYY’s The Pulse. Liz is a recent radio convert, whose interests include social determinants of health, watchdog journalism, and all things related to the brain. Before coming to WHYY, Liz spent seven years as a music writer in Beijing.
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Scientific material requires the brain to process complex relations between concepts, between ideas, a Penn State researcher says.
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Rediscovering fun: Why grown-ups need to play
Playing doesn't end with childhood. It's important for adults too, just in a different way.
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Listen 12:31Does the moon affect bipolar disorder?
Science has largely debunked the idea that the moon influences our behavior — but recent research is questioning that modern wisdom.
6 years ago
Listen 17:08For special needs adults, a league of their own is coming to Philadelphia
For young adults with autism, services can be hard to come by. But Alternative Baseball offers a chance for socializing and skills development.
6 years ago
In Pennsylvania, ‘deaths of despair’ are 50% higher than the national average
Deaths connected to suicide, drugs, and alcohol are soaring among millennials nationwide, and hitting Pennsylvania especially hard.
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Failing up: How one med student came back from a first-year setback
Intense competitiveness — and the flip side of the coin, fear of failure — is part of the culture at medical school.
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Listen 10:45After IVF, what happens to remaining embryos?
A look at the tough choice fertility patients face — and what that’s meant for thousands upon thousands of unused embryos.
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Listen 9:40Penn researchers find transplant potential in hepatitis C-positive hearts
Organs that once would have been rejected were successfully used in uninfected patients by Penn surgeons in a clinical trial.
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How patients’ Google search histories could lead to better care
A new study shows that health-related searches spike in the week before a hospital visit — and how analyzing that data could improve patient care.
6 years ago
How extreme isolation affects the brain
New research on solitary confinement could bridge the mind-body gap when it comes to cruel and unusual punishment.
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Listen 11:44Dyscalculia — the math version of dyslexia
A little-known learning disability is helping kids — and adults — reframe their struggles with numbers.
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Listen 03:39Free food at work is significant source of unhealthy calories, CDC says
A new study shows that for a quarter of Americans, eating at work adds as much as 1,300 calories per week — most of them empty.
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