Liz is a health and science reporter working on WHYY’s The Pulse. Liz is a recent radio convert, whose interests include social determinants of health, watchdog journalism, and all things related to the brain. Before coming to WHYY, Liz spent seven years as a music writer in Beijing.
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Listen 06:49Should your cat get to go outside?
Keeping Ahab the cat cooped up seemed to crush her spirit and hunting instincts, so owner Liz Tung consulted with experts to weigh the cost of feline freedom.
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Listen 8:17Penn study: Marijuana doesn’t cause bad behavior — it’s the other way around
Results of a new study by University of Pennsylvania researchers contradict previous reports showing a connection between conduct problems and marijuana use.
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Listen 1:19Evicted on Thanksgiving: How a mom and her five kids slipped through the cracks
For most people, Thanksgiving offers a chance to kick back with family. But for Ricci Rawls and her five kids, it meant something different this year: losing their home.
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Can skin become addicted to topical steroids?
Inside one woman's experience with topical steroids — and why she says the cure was worse than the disease.
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Listen 11:56Philly’s best and worst nursing homes, according to government data
New quality measures are shining a light on troubled nursing homes covered by Medicare and Medicaid.
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Untested stimulants surface in pre-workout supplements
A Harvard researcher is sending up red flags about a popular class of supplements, some of which contain amphetamine-like drugs.
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Listen 8:01Chinese elders ‘walk the middle path’ to better mental health
A senior center in Queens, New York offers dialectical behavior therapy —combining modern therapy and eastern philosophy to fight depression, anxiety.
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Listen 10:45With voices of experience, Philadelphia calling out for LGBTQ foster parents
In March, the city's Department of Human Services launched a citywide recruitment drive, in hopes of attracting 300 new foster families.
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Childhood stress wires the brain for adult anxiety
For Adesola Ogunleye, it took more than 20 years to understand the roots of her anxiety
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Listen 10:08Rutgers study proposes novel approach for treating traumatic brain injury
More than 2 million are hospitalized in the U.S. every year for traumatic brain injuries. Long-term effects can include epilepsy, depression, and impaired cognitive function.
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Researchers say environmental factors could explain why some identical twins taste things differently
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Listen 05:38