The Cost of Diabetes

Listen 48:55
Photo: Kristen Cabrera

Photo: Kristen Cabrera

Diabetes costs more healthcare dollars than any other disease in the United States. But beyond the huge financial price tag — diabetes takes a major toll on people’s lives. Constantly chasing a stable blood sugar level. Feeling sick and tired. Having to be really careful about how you celebrate Thanksgiving, or your enjoy your wedding cake. On this episode of The Pulse, we explore the social and emotional costs of the illness.

Also heard on this week’s show:

  • Reporter Alan Yu explores when and how diabetes can keep you from getting a job – and what some people are trying to do about it
  • India is the new diabetes capital of the world — the University of North Carolina’s Barry Popkin explains some potential reasons.
  • Kaiser Permanente endocrinologist Amber Wheeler on why treating diabetes means striking a balance between cheerleader and enforcer

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