GMOs: finding middle ground on genetically modified organisms.

Listen 00:48:43

Guests: Raoul Adamchak, Pamela Ronald, William Hallman

Debate around genetically modified organisms is contentious.  People feel strongly that GMOs will either save the world or destroy it. Proponents argue that engineered plants can feed the world’s growing population, reduce the use of chemical herbicide and pesticide, and create crops to withstand climate change. Opponents worry about the health effects genetic tinkering will have on humans and the environment. Today, a conversation on GMOs that goes beyond the hyperbole and examines the facts — the potential risks and benefits.  Marty talks with an organic farmer and a plant geneticist who have found some middle ground in the debate — which is good because they are married. We’ll also hear about the public’s perception of GMOs.  Marty’s guests are RAOUL ADAMCHAK, who manages the organic farm at UC Davis, PAMELA RONALD, professor at the department of plant pathology and the Genome Center at UC Davis, and WILLIAM HALLMAN, professor and chair of the department of human ecology at Rutgers University.

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