Bonus Interview: Gloria Steinem on feminism, abortion and her memoir

In this week's bonus hour of Radio Times, Marty speaks feminist activist, speaker and writer Gloria Steinem about her life, history, feminism and abortion access in the U.S.

Listen 48:57
In this Nov. 21, 1979 file photo, Bella Abzug, left, and Patsy Mink of Women USA sit next to Gloria Steinem as she speaks in Washington where they warned presidential candidates that promises for women's rights will not be enough to get their support in the next election. (AP Photo/Harvey Georges)

In this Nov. 21, 1979 file photo, Bella Abzug, left, and Patsy Mink of Women USA sit next to Gloria Steinem as she speaks in Washington where they warned presidential candidates that promises for women's rights will not be enough to get their support in the next election. (AP Photo/Harvey Georges)

Feminist, writer, lecturer and traveler GLORIA STEINEM joined Marty in 2015 to talk about her book, My Life on the Road.

She spent much of her childhood on the road with her parents bartering their way across the country. She learned to read in the back of their car. She has spent half of her adult life on planes and in taxis for her work of activism and organizing.

For her, the road is full of possibilities and as it has turned out fascinating people to meet. In this bonus hour of Radio Times from the archives, Marty speaks with her about her new book about her itinerant life. We discussed feminism, politics, her family, her abortion and more.

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