N.J. Supreme Court upholds caps on sick time payouts

New Jersey’s Supreme Court is upholding limits on sick time payouts for top school administrators.

In a unanimous decision, the justices affirmed the constitutionality of a 2007 law that caps sick time payouts at $15,000. Only contracts for superintendents and tenured assistants signed since the law took effect are covered.

New Jersey School Boards Association spokesman Frank Belluscio says the restrictions will help school districts control costs.

“We’re in a period of limited financial resources for our public schools and we have to make sure that available money that is used to promote education. This is a benefit that we can no longer afford,” said Belluscio.

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A spokesman for Governor Christie says the court’s decision is a move in the right direction. Christie wants to stop future accumulation of sick time cash value at all levels of government.


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