Pa. GOP appeals to U.S. Supreme Court to halt new congressional maps
This is the third time in recent months they’ve made such an appeal in a gerrymandering case.
7 years ago
Toomey rails against Pa. redistricting, calls for conversation on impeaching justices
“The Pennsylvania Supreme Court has engaged in a really amazing, highly partisan, unconstitutional power grab,” he told reporters in the Capitol rotunda.
7 years ago
Some worry Pa. court’s congressional map dilutes black votes
The 2rd district now appears to have nearly 10 percent fewer black voters than the corresponding district did in the previous map.
7 years ago
In boost for Democrats, Pa. Supreme Court dramatically overhauls state’s congressional map [updated]
Analysts think the court-drawn map will give Democrats a shot at winning at least half of Pennsylvania’s 18 districts.
7 years ago
Outside expert advises Pa. Supreme Court in drawing congressional district map
The Pennsylvania Supreme Court is expected to decide Monday where Pennsylvania’s congressional boundaries will fall for the next two election cycles.
7 years ago
Court will now decide fate of Pa. congressional map — as Wolf, Republicans can’t find compromise
The Pa. Supreme Court will now decide the shape of the state’s 18 congressional districts, as Democratic ...
7 years ago
Timeline: The battle over Pennsylvania’s congressional district map
Pennsylvania’s congressional map has been recognized nationally as having some of the starkest examples of gerrymandering in the countr ...
7 years ago
New group asks: Can Pa. citizens play their way to better district maps?
Draw the Lines is making professional digital mapping tools available to the public and creating a competition for mapmakers.
7 years ago
How difficult is it to redistrict Pennsylvania? ‘Not very,’ say area eighth-graders
Pennsylvania’s contentious congressional map has spurred disagreement among the state judiciary, lawmakers, and the governor. Yet students came up with several solutions.
7 years ago
Listen 3:26Wolf administration rejects GOP congressional map proposal [updated]
The interactive map above shows the boundaries of Pennsylvania’s 18 congressional districts as propos ...
7 years ago
Listen 1:18Some political analysts have raised red flags about partisanship within the proposed map.
7 years ago
GRAPHIC: Pa. Republican leaders propose new congressional map on eve of deadline
UPDATE: Hours before the state Supreme Court-imposed deadli ...
7 years ago
Friday is the court-imposed deadline for the Pennsylvania legislature to agree on a new ...
7 years ago
Listen 0:00Pa. legislature will miss redistricting deadline, but negotiations may continue
Republican leaders in Pennsylvania’s House and Senate said Thursday evening it is impossible for them to pass a new congressional map before the state Supreme Court’s Friday.
7 years ago
Pa. Supreme Court details violation of voter rights in full opinion striking down congressional map
The Pennsylvania Supreme Court found that the state’s congressional district map deprives voters’ of their right to “free and equal” elections.
7 years ago