Helen Ubiñas: Gun control and everyday violence must not be ignored

Ubiñas, a longtime commentator on gun violence in Philadelphia, read her column, "Everyday gun violence must be part of gun control reckoning," on NewsWorks Tonight.

Listen 3:22
Gun control protest

Therese Gachnauer, center, a 18-year-old senior from Chiles High School and Kwane Gatlin, right, a 19-year-old senior from Lincoln High School, both in Tallahassee, join fellow students protesting gun violence on the steps of the old Florida Capitol in Tallahassee last week. (AP Photo/Mark Wallheiser)

Journalist Helen Ubiñas doesn’t skirt around a tough issue. If you live in Philadelphia, you probably know this.

Just a few weeks after the deadly school shooting in Parkland, Florida, which left 17 dead, the Philadelphia Daily News columnist has written about Philadelphia’s own problem with gun violence in her latest column.

It’s not surprising. She has been writing about gun violence for years. And she is known to call Philadelphia out. In 2016, she bought an AR-15 semi-automatic rifle in seven minutes and wrote about it. In 2014, she asked the rest of the city to care about children exposed to gun violence. In 2017, she called out anti-violence programs in her column, “Prove your anti-violence program works — or lose your funding,” for not doing enough.

And today she got to talk about it.

Listen to Ubiñas read her column, “Everyday gun violence must be part of gun control reckoning,” from our 6 p.m. NewsWorks Tonight broadcast.

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