25 percent of U.S. teachers wish they’d chosen another profession

NewsWorks Tonight host Dave Heller sits down for his weekly conversation with Gallup's Frank Newport to talk about trends in U.S. opinion.

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(Yastremska/Big Stock Photo)

NewsWorks Tonight host Dave Heller sits down for his weekly conversation with Gallup’s Frank Newport to talk about trends in U.S. opinion.

A quarter of U.S. teachers wish they had chosen another profession. Teachers overwhelmingly believe that they have too little input in the education process, and they overwhelmingly feel that state and federal governments have too much input, according to new polling. Most teachers believe that kids’ use of screens is bad for their mental and physical health, but they admit that they might be good for the education process.

President Donald Trump signed an order to authorize National Guard troops to go to the border in Texas, New Mexico, Arizona, and California. Americans, in principle, agree with the idea of keeping people from entering the country illegally, but it’s hard to find evidence that immigration is their top worry. And polling finds most do not favor building a wall on the Mexican border.

“Aides say Trump is more confident in his job than at any other point in his 14 months as president and feels empowered to act upon things he has long wanted to do,” reported the Washington Post.

In March, Trump had a 39 percent approval rating and a 56 percent disapproval rating. In March 2010, former President Barack Obama was at 49 percent approval, 44 percent disapproval. There is no discernible upward macro trend for Trump, who has tweeted out his poll numbers from only the Rasmussen poll.

Frank Newport explains why Rasmussen numbers often run 10 points above the average of other polls.

Listen to the audio above to hear the full conversation.

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