Public Health
Wolf’s PFAS Action Team gives update on water-testing plans to frustrated Pa. residents
Water sources will be tested for PFAS contamination, and sampling will begin of urine, dust, and water from residents whose blood was already tested.
6 years ago
Citing religious freedom, supporters sue to open supervised injection site in Philadelphia
Supervised injection sites operate in Canada, Europe and Australia, but one has never officially opened its doors in the United States.
6 years ago
Cut melon linked to U.S. salmonella outbreak recalled
An Indianapolis-based company has issued a recall for melon products sold in 16 states after being linked to a salmonella outbreak.
6 years ago
DEP to begin statewide sampling for six PFAS chemicals
The year-long program will focus on sources of likely contamination including military bases and airports.
6 years ago
Delaware lawmakers raise age to buy tobacco products to 21
Tobacco product sellers are targeted in efforts to reduce chronic health conditions under Delaware vote to raises purchase age to 21. Gov. Carney will sign measure into law.
6 years ago
Listen 1:29Temple had no new cases of mumps Monday, for first time since outbreak began
About five to 10 reported cases of the disease continue to come in daily, but that number is slowly decreasing.
6 years ago
1st living HIV-positive organ donor wants to lift ‘the shroud of HIV related stigma’
Last month, surgeons at Johns Hopkins Hospital made a medical breakthrough when they transplanted a kidney from Nina Martinez, who has HIV, to an HIV-positive person.
6 years ago
Drink Philly Tap wants you to drink the city’s wooder
Forty percent of Philadelphians — many of them with lower incomes — drink bottled water at home, so a coalition is promoting tap water to residents.
6 years ago
Smoking pot vs. tobacco: What science says about lighting up
As more states legalize marijuana, some researchers worry about what that might mean for one of the country's biggest public health successes: curbing cigarette smoking.
6 years ago
Potential hepatitis A exposure from South Philly Acme employee, Health Department warns
A worker at the supermarket on East Passyunk Avenue has the hepatitis A virus. The city’s is advising some recent customers to get the vaccine.
6 years ago
N.J. DEP: Getting lead out of water pipes could cost $2.3 billion
Some 350,000 supply lines bringing drinking water to New Jersey residents are thought to have lead components.
6 years ago
State Sen. Williams makes supervised injection site issue in Philly mayor’s race
At a contentious forum, Democratic state Sen. Anthony Williams said he's against opening a place where people could use drugs under medical supervision.
6 years ago
Training a computer to read mammograms as well as a doctor
"The optimist in me says in three years we can train this tool to read mammograms as well as an average radiologist," says Connie Lehman, chief of breast imaging.
6 years ago
Why researchers and regulators have more questions than answers about PFAS
PFAS, a class of toxic chemicals, are found in lots of everyday products from pizza boxes to dental floss. Why don't scientists know if they're safe?
Air Date: April 1, 2019
Listen 13:39Chemours quantifies PFAS substitute sent to South Jersey plant
On Monday, the DEP said Chemours is currently using PFAS-replacement chemicals at the Chambers Works site, and is discharging the chemical into water and air.
6 years ago