Income Inequality
The myth of post-racial America
Civil disobedience is our obligation, not our right. If we do not stand up, ignorance wins. As long as we feel inequality, we cannot say that we live in a post-racial society.
7 years ago
How Trump’s budget would turn back the clock on progress in Philly’s neighborhoods
Trump's proposed FY2019 budget poses a massive threat to Philly's progress stabilizing neighborhoods, preventing foreclosures and fighting homelessness, city officials say.
7 years ago
Time to declare a state of emergency in Philly schools
It is time to stop sentencing thousands of Philadelphia’s children to a lifetime of poverty and despair, thanks to public schools that offer them virtually no chance at a succ
7 years ago
Trump administration proposes limiting food choices for SNAP recipients
The administration has compared the idea, dubbed 'America’s Harvest Box,' to the fresh food service Blue Apron — but critics say the proposed food is far from fresh.
7 years ago
‘Just cause’ eviction bill clears City Council committee
On Tuesday, a bill intended to protect renters from being evicted without “good cause” moved one step closer to a vote by City Council.
7 years ago
Making the case that discrimination is bad for your health
Arline Geronimus coined the term 'weathering' to describe how health problems of marginalized people can be caused by stresses of their daily life.
7 years ago
The Philly school choice system no one is talking about
Every year, thousands of Philadelphia families choose a traditional public school outside their neighborhood. So is that a good thing, a bad thing or something else?
7 years ago
Listen 5:42Jobless system moves a step closer to four-year funding solution
The state House has passed a bill to fund the commonwealth’s jobless claims system for another four years, and the Senate will likely agree to it.
7 years ago
Delaware coalition announces funding plan for low-income kids
Delaware has found itself with over $50 million in unanticipated one-time tax revenue dollars and one group is trying to persuade the state to place these funds into a trust.
7 years ago
Listen 2:19Why are Republicans so insistent on this legislation? Because the second part of their strategy is to reverse long-established policies that benefit the poor and middle-class.
7 years ago
Tax bill should unite American middle class across racial lines
The top 1 percent of Americans use racial and ethnic strife to distract us from the one commonality that should unite us — class.
7 years ago
Listen 3:15The poverty penalty: Should states suspend driver’s licenses for court scofflaws?
When it comes to court debt, most states — including Pennsylvania, Delaware, and New Jersey — will suspend your driver’s license un ...
7 years ago
Hunger widespread across U.S., particularly in Philly
Between 2014 and 2016, one in five Philadelphians were food insecure. That's about 300,000 people.
7 years ago