Health & Science
Could membranes at coal-fired power plants help stop climate change?
Pittsburgh researchers are working on potentially cheaper ways to capture carbon dioxide from coal-fired power plants.
6 years ago
Microsoft workers protest Army contract with tech ‘designed to help people kill’
Friday's letter to Microsoft leaders is the latest instance of U.S. technology workers standing up to their companies over the companies' lines of business or policies.
6 years ago
A new treatment can relieve food allergies, but few doctors offer it
Many parents of kids with life-threatening food allergies live with fear, Epi-Pen in hand. Some are trying oral immunotherapy, a treatment which can build tolerance to foods.
6 years ago
Suburban Philly recycling programs address challenges as they settle into ‘new normal’
Programs in municipalities around Philly are adjusting as China’s stricter standards for recyclable materials appear permanent.
6 years ago
CVS looks to make its drugstores a destination for health care
With almost 10,000 stores across the country, CVS says it is already where consumers are. The company is transforming some of its stores and clinics into hubs for more care.
6 years ago
Study finds spike in Pennsylvania child abuse-related deaths
The increase likely stems from an uptick in reporting of abuse in the wake of the Jerry Sandusky and Roman Catholic clergy child sexual abuse scandals.
6 years ago
How extreme isolation affects the brain
New research on solitary confinement could bridge the mind-body gap when it comes to cruel and unusual punishment.
6 years ago
Listen 11:44Inside Pa.’s Peach Bottom nuclear power plant
Three Mile Island might close down this year. But operators at the Peach Bottom Atomic Power Station hope to stay in business until at least 2053.
6 years ago
Humans are social animals, equipped with brains hard-wired to connect with those around us. We rely on relationships for safety and survi ...
Air Date: February 21, 2019
Listen 49:01Insurers hand out cash and gifts to sway brokers who sell employer health plans
Critics say the setup is akin to a single real estate agent representing both the buyer and seller in a home sale.
6 years ago
How do you preserve history on the moon?
Historic preservationists hope the 50th anniversary of the Apollo 11 moon landing will persuade the United Nations to protect Armstrong's footprints in the lunar dust.
6 years ago
Paid family leave is an investment in public health, not a handout
How does the stress of a rapid return to work affect parents, and in turn, cost society as a whole?
6 years ago
Is NASA’s Curiosity rover lonely on Mars?
Some humans here on Earth think so, now that the Opportunity rover’s mission has ended.
6 years ago
Listen 05:56Temple voice therapy program speaks to transgender women
Hormones that help with transition don’t change the pitch of the voice, but vocal therapy programs like the one at Temple University's College of Public Health can.
6 years ago
Listen 3:09Auditor general pushes to reduce gun deaths, focusing on mental health resources
The auditor general's report calls on the state "to expand access to mental health funding, especially in rural areas." It's one of 12 recommendations included in the report.
6 years ago
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