The Nobel Prizes in science

Listen 00:48:59

Guests: Duncan Haldane, Mark Peplow, Ravi Amaravadi

The Nobel Prizes in chemistry, physics and physiology or medicine were announced last week. We thought we’d dig into the discoveries and the science behind them in this hour. We’ll start of talking with a new Nobel Laureate — Princeton University physics professor F. DUNCAN HALDANE, who shared this year’s prize in physics for discoveries into strange forms of matter in extreme states. Then science writer MARK PEPLOW tells us about the award in chemistry which involves miniscule molecular machines. And RAVI AMARAVADI, associate professor of medicine at the University of Pennsylvania, explains why the prize in physiology or medicine went to research on autophagy, how cells clean up and recycle their parts. It’s got many important applications for tackling cancer and neurological diseases.

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