Getting Better at Resolving Conflicts

What millions of emails to Russian citizens and ballroom dancing taught one researcher about having better arguments and resolving conflict.

Listen 49:14

In March of 2022, the war in Ukraine was weighing heavily on Fabian Falch, a Norwegian tech entrepreneur. The Russian government had started to censor news stories and social media posts about the war, and Falch wondered how Russian citizens would be able to access information, let alone voice criticism. Then he had an idea: to send emails to Russians — millions of them. Eventually, a conflict researcher got involved in this effort and it turned into a real-time study on what works and what doesn’t when it comes to shifting people’s perspectives.

On this episode, we explore what we have learned about resolving conflict, and how we can better understand each other’s perspectives. We’ll hear stories about persuasion, connection, and trying to find some middle ground.


  • Reporter Kim Nederveen Pieterse tells the story of millions of emails that are being sent to Russian citizens, and how Harvard conflict researcher Julia Minson helped craft a different message.
  • Braver Angels” founder Bill Doherty talks about the lessons he’s learned from bringing people together who vehemently disagree with each other — but want to keep talking.
  • Reporter Grant Hill looks into a rise in conflicts in schools — and why some experts think the reduction of recess time might be to blame.

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