A Guantanamo guard and his detainee reunite
Mohamedou Ould Slahi and Steve Wood met in Guantanamo Bay, Cuba, in 2004.
7 years ago
Guests: Christina Maslach, Kristen Lee, Alex Neason If you have a stressful, busy job, chances are that from time ...
Air Date: August 20, 2018 10:00 am
Listen 48:57‘C’ is for compromise: 20 songs for sharing the stereo with your kids
Any song on this list can be a song for kids, or hold depths for a child's parents or designated older person.
7 years ago
For Berlin, invasive crustaceans are a tough catch and a tough sell
In a shaded stream in the middle of Berlin's rambling Tiergarten park, fisherman Klaus Hidde lowered himself into the water recently.
7 years ago
Philly Free Streets enjoyed by walkers, cyclists, beach lovers — but not drivers
Inspired by the Pope’s 2015 visit, the event closed down Broad Street from City Hall to Germantown Avenue.
7 years ago
Mourning and instagramming the death of a pet
When Isis died in 2015, she left an emptiness a story could help fill. Gannaway started posting photographs of Isis for 100 consecutive days on Instagram as a way to grieve.
7 years ago
Guests: Heather Boushey, Helaine Olen, Katie Denis Half of American workers didn’t take all the paid vacation d ...
Air Date: August 8, 2018 10:00 am
Listen 48:58Through a looking glass of black Americana: the long, strange journey of Oran Z
In the western tip of the Mojave Desert, a couple of hours north of Los Angeles, a lone McMansion-style villa sits on 10 acres surrounded by a fence.
7 years ago
Guests: Michael C. Reichert, Michael A. Lindsey “Man up.” “Boys don’t cry.” Our culture starts teachi ...
Air Date: August 6, 2018 10:00 am
Listen 49:03How to travel the world with young vegetarians
Whale in Norway, frog legs at sea, and a parade of red meat across the American heartland; menus are a minefield when traveling with a pair of young vegetarians.
7 years ago
Why it’s still ok to ‘trash’ poor white people
For some reason, the term "white trash" manages to come across as less offensive than most other racial slurs.
7 years ago
Heading may be riskier for female soccer players than males
It's already known that female soccer players are at a higher risk of concussion than males.
7 years ago
Got at least $40k? You could bid on historic copy of Ben Franklin’s ‘Join, or Die’ cartoon
"Join, or Die" is a political cartoon showing a snake broken into eight pieces, and was first seen in Franklin's Pennsylvania Gazette newspaper in 1754.
7 years ago
Who’s entertaining who?: How the internet picks up Drake’s slack
As the #DoTheShiggy Challenge proves, Drake doesn't even need to dance anymore. We'll do it for him.
7 years ago
The strange magic of YouTube’s ’80s remix culture
Whether you thought of the 2000s emo-punk boom as a watershed moment or the nadir of modern music, there's one song from that era that's hard to forget.
7 years ago