Harry Lee Williams, president of Delaware State University since 2010, is leaving the Dover campus to lead the Thurgood Marshall College ...
7 years ago
To reach special needs students, Bucks County school turns to virtual reality
There is a classroom in Morrisville, Bucks County unlike any other in Southeast Pennsylvania. Administrators think the technology inside could unlock students' potential.
7 years ago
University of Delaware breaks ground on biopharmaceutical research center
The facility, to be located on UD’s STAR campus, will house the national headquarters for the National Institute for Innovation in Manufacturing Biopharmaceuticals,
7 years ago
Eagles' Chris Long gives up millions to help kids find better education
When the Eagles take the field against Washington tonight, defensive lineman Chris Long will be playing for free and for the rest of the season.
7 years ago
Listen 1:35Delaware dual language school honored for summer reading
Since opening seven years ago Las Americas ASPIRA has become a magnet for parents who wants their children to speak Spanish and English.
7 years ago
Was Thursday the beginning of the end for Philly’s SRC?
Philadelphia’s School Reform Commission heard a presentation on a road map for disbanding itself.
7 years ago
More Delaware students taking, passing Advanced Placement courses
In the past 10 years, the increase in the number of Delaware students taking and scoring well in AP courses far outpaces the rise in high school enrollment.
7 years ago
Asante’s 'Buck': Philly memoir will soon be film. Will districtwide curriculum be next?
“Buck,” a gritty coming-of-age tale about one young man’s evolution from thug to scholar, was published in 2013 and praised by critics for its honesty and poetic language.
7 years ago
Listen 0:00Let’s take another look at the track record of charter schools in Pennsylvania
With continuing pressure from the Trump administration for vouchers and school choice, we urge people to look at the facts and strengthen traditional public schools for all.
7 years ago
Sharper focus on education, more equitable funding sought in N.J.
New Jersey must quickly provide a high-quality public education for all children, warned a nonprofit foundation that works to improve the state's public policy decisions.
7 years ago
New lottery system for Philly trade school admissions stokes debate
Philly's career and technical high schools will no longer be able to pick their students. Will a lottery increase access or torpedo student achievement?
7 years ago
Listen 0:00Delaware State University optics expert gets $728,000 NASA grant
A Delaware State University professor has been awarded a $728,000 grant from NASA to develop new technology to measure the earth's magnetic field.
7 years ago
After mold inspections, four of six South Jersey district schools reopen
Classes are resuming at four of the six schools closed in Monroe Township in Gloucester County because of concerns over mold.
7 years ago
2 men charged for racist graffiti on Cape Henlopen school buses, other vehicles
Two downstate men have been charged with spray painting racist graffiti on two Cape Henlopen High School buses and other vehicles and locations in southern Delaware.
7 years ago
How N.J. school district consolidation would look under a Murphy or Guadagno administration
As a co-sponsor of the gubernatorial debate held on Oct 10, 2017, NJ Spotlight won the chance to ask one question of candidates Phil Murp ...
7 years ago