Two brothers report separate teen attacks on El

There is a 10-year age difference between the Costa brothers. They live in two different neighborhoods of the Northeast — William in Mayfair, Joseph in Parkwood. And they were victims of two separate attacks on the Market-Frankford El last week.

William, 47, told SEPTA police (and the Daily News) he was pushed to the ground by two teenage girls last Thursday as he was about to board the train at Frankford Transportation Center just after 8 a.m.

He told authorities two additional girls video taped the incident, while a boy kicked him as he lay on the ground. The group hopped on the train and fled.

Just a day later, around 8 p.m., Joseph, 57, was hit in the back of the head with a board at 60th Street Station. By his account, eight teenage boys and two teenage girls began hitting and kicking him, but fled before police officers arrived just a minute later. A witness reported seeing the teens film the attack.

William suffered a broken finger and needed four stitched above his eye, while Joseph endured bruising to his face.

Police were able to confirm both stories, but said the attack on William was perpetrated only by four females. The teenagers have not been identified [source].

*Note: SEPTA police were unable to be reached for comment at the time this story ran.

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