Grand Jury: Solebury School in Bucks County hid sex abuse for decades

The Solebury School campus in New Hope

The Solebury School campus in New Hope

A grand jury has detailed a half-century of sexual abuse at a private Pennsylvania boarding school but says no charges will be filed.

Bucks County District Attorney Matthew Weintraub says preying on children at the Solebury School in New Hope was like “fishing in a barrel” under previous leaders.

Read the full Grand Jury Report

Weintraub says one person still could be prosecuted, but the 27-year-old accuser doesn’t want to press charges. The other allegations are too old.

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The report describes nine Solebury teachers or officials who engaged in sometimes long-running sexual relationships with students.

Investigators say the school repeatedly failed to report the abuse to authorities.

A message left with a school official was not immediately returned Wednesday.

The school charges up to $55,000 a year for high school boarders and $39,000 for day students.

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