NJ measure would cast more light on the subject of police stop

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(Photo via ShutterStock)

Drivers could be required to turn on their car’s dome light when stopped by police in New Jersey.

A bill advanced by a Senate committee would make it mandatory to switch on the inside light when pulled over between dusk and dawn, during bad weather, or when an officer requests it.

Wayne Blanchard, vice president of the New Jersey State Troopers Fraternal Association, said the measure would help protect police officers and the drivers they stop.

“In this era of concern of police engaging in actions, what better situation for a member of the public to put themselves into and enhance their safety as well by illuminating the interior of their car,” he asked.

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Police body cameras would gather more usable footage in a well-lit car, Blanchard said.

“Why put ourselves in the position of having a controversy where footage from a body camera would not be captured due to a driver not putting on their interior light and then having controversy over something that should have been captured with the lighted condition in the interior of the vehicle?” he said.

No one spoke against the measure during a hearing by the Senate Law and Public Safety committee . If it becomes law, violators could be fined $50.

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