Beyond ‘stranger danger’: Look and listen for these signs of child sexual abuse
Kids know their abusers between 85% and 93% of the time. Yet adults are often surprised to realize how close to home abuse really is.
5 years ago
Listen 5:09Frightening facts parents should know about teens and binge drinking
Studies are accumulating showing the teen brain, consistently plied with alcohol, won’t reach maturity and damaged genetic material may be passed on.
5 years ago
Binge drinking and teenagers: What are they thinking?
Like adults, teens drink to escape and numb pain, but with little regard for how they might hurt their brains in the process.
5 years ago
Bucks football team gives special needs athletes ‘a chance to play’ with friends to help
The Bucks County Challenger Flag Football program has paired young people with special needs with local high school athletes for 13 seasons.
5 years ago
Listen 3:09Going to school in Kensington amid drug crisis: ‘We need to be beacons of hope’
Schools in Kensington strive to be safe havens from violence and drug use, while also helping kids deal with the emotional trauma they carry inside.
5 years ago
Listen 4:47‘Feeling is healing’: Mental health summit in Olney uses hip-hop as therapy
One goal of the mental health summit is to dispel the stigma associated with mental health issues in black communities.
5 years ago
Put down the phones and let’s talk, these teenagers say
These days, limiting time spent on smartphones is a challenge for adults and teenagers alike.
6 years ago
Listen 4:44Your child has asthma. Now what?
Work with the doctor to set a plan of action, so everyone breathes easier. That may include eliminating triggers in the home, a not-always-simple task.
6 years ago
Diagnosis: Allergies. But could your child have asthma instead?
It’s hard to measure lung function in children 5 and younger, but some doctors now argue there’s no excuse for not knowing for sure.
6 years ago
Looking at gender’s many sides, and keeping kids’ safety and inclusion in mind
Navigating the world as a young transgender person can be challenging. That’s true even in places some might think it’s safe, like the health-care system.
6 years ago
Listen 4:53Migraines in children? It’s more common than you think
By the time kids reach 10 years of age, about 10% of them are dealing with recurrent headaches. Some are tension headaches. Some are migraines.
6 years ago
Listen 4:49What is race? It isn’t skin color, as some young people are learning
It’s a tough question: Why do we look different? As one high school’s syllabus puts it, race is “both a biological myth and a social reality.”
6 years ago
Listen 5:50Inclusive playgrounds give kids with disabilities an equal chance to join the fun
The specially designed Jake’s Place Delran, which opened Tuesday, could be the first of many more to come with the passage of a New Jersey state law.
6 years ago
Listen 4:38Young and undocumented in Philly: How teens are finding support and community
Being in a new country, learning a new culture and language — it’s a lot to digest. At three Philly schools, students approach things as a group.
6 years ago
Listen 4:55For children in the city, how loud is too loud?
Being aware of noise in your child’s environment is important for hearing and cognitive development, studies show. Apps can help identify quiet spaces.
6 years ago
Listen 4:00