Public Health
New Jersey mom takes story of daughter’s opioid death, role of drug company, to Congress
Deborah Fuller is nervous. The Camden County, New Jersey, resident is going before Congress next week to testify at a hearing on the role ...
7 years ago
ListenFears rise that cuts in ACA ad budget will hurt the most vulnerable
The Trump Administration is drastically reducing funding for Affordable Care Act outreach. The budget for the navigator program ...
7 years ago
Listen 1:44Lead found in the drinking water of 400 New Jersey schools
Nearly 400 schools reported finding lead in at least one drinking-water outlet in their buildings, according to data compiled by the stat ...
8 years ago
Rehearsing transgender healthcare
Medical students learn trans care in the classroom and the exam room. Bianca Leigh is playing a character named Tia Lopez. ...
8 years ago
ListenPennsylvania’s obesity rate rises to 30 percent
Obesity has been on the rise across the country for more than 20 years, and Pennsylvania’s rates have followed suit. Thirty ...
8 years ago
Hundreds ‘March in Black’ to shed light on Philly’s opioid crisis
More than 300 people wearing black walked through the streets of Philadelphia’s Kensington neighborhood Thursday night, past some ...
8 years ago
Wolf admin calls for universal lead testing of children
A Department of Health report out this week has shown that only 28 percent of Pennsylvania children undergo recommended lead testing. ...
8 years ago
New report recommends ways to prevent and respond to childhood lead exposure
The water and lead crisis in Flint Michigan and parts of Pennsylvania has shone a national spotlight on he problem of childhood lead expo ...
8 years ago
Restoring mussel populations and improving water quality in northern Delaware [video]
The Partnership for the Delaware Estuary is attempting to restore mussel populations and improve water quality in Delaware. Adorne ...
8 years ago
Bensalem targets Big Pharma with suit to recover millions it’s spent dealing with opioid crisis
Bensalem is poised to become the first local government in Pennsylvania to sue pharmaceutical companies in an effort to recover ...
8 years ago
Hoping to improve Pa. water-quality inspections, DEP to speed up trainings
Pennsylvania’s Department of Environmental Protection is working to speed up the training of several new water inspectors, in an ef ...
8 years ago
N.J. in line for tougher gun laws if Democrat wins governor’s race
If he becomes New Jersey’s next governor, Democrat Phil Murphy said he will sign the gun-control legislation that Gov. Chris Christ ...
8 years ago
South Jersey paint factory caused ‘cancer cluster,’ lawsuit alleges
Several current and former Camden County residents have developed cancer and other illnesses as a result of toxic contamination emanating ...
8 years ago
ListenTrenton Water Works alerts homeowners of high lead levels, warns against drinking water
Dangerously high lead levels have been discovered in water at more than a dozen of nearly 120 homes and buildings tested recently by the ...
8 years ago
The story behind Philly’s heroin encampment
As the controversial spot closes down, we take a tour of its history. There’s a part of Philadelphia, just a few miles north ...
8 years ago
Listen 13:03