Public Health
How not to inspire confidence among diners: A guide for restaurants
I ask about the likely cleanliness of his thumb, after carrying used plates, napkins, and forks. He apologizes, but he is not the culprit. Management is.
7 years ago
LGBT center aims to preserve, expand archive of Philly’s response to AIDS crisis
In the '80s, Philadelphia’s activists took to the streets and fought for funding to improve care, becoming national leaders in responding to the health crisis.
7 years ago
Drug overdoses easily outpace Delaware DUI fatalities
There were no DUI fatalities over the Thanksgiving holiday period, but that good news was overshadowed by a spike in drug overdose deaths.
7 years ago
Listen 1:48Pa. hotline links those in need with help to confront opioid addiction
Pennsylvania far exceeds the national average of drug-related overdose deaths. Last year, 4,642 such deaths were reported — and the number is expected to rise this year.
7 years ago
Almost a dozen overdose deaths in Delaware over holiday
Delaware health officials are urging families of loved ones struggling with addiction to seek treatment following close to a dozen overdose deaths over the holiday weekend.
7 years ago
New study rates Pa.’s opioid overdose death rate as sixth highest in the nation
Well Being Trust, a national foundation focused on the mental health of America, ranked Pennsylvania’s opioid overdose death rate as the sixth highest in the nation.
7 years ago
Overwhelmed on the front lines of opioid crisis in Congressman Tom Marino’s backyard
Like many places in Pennsylvania and across the country, Lycoming County has been stung by the opioid epidemic. A watershed moment came over the summer.
7 years ago
Listen 4:27The bottom rung of American education: Stories from an adult literacy class
Adult education receives few dollars and little attention. For a look at this oft-forgotten world, we spent two months with Philly adults still learning to read.
7 years ago
Listen 5:39Philly summit tackles childhood lead poisoning
City officials and advocates for children’s health gathered Friday at a conference aimed at helping Philadelphia advance measures to reduce lead exposure in homes.
7 years ago
Hunger widespread across U.S., particularly in Philly
Between 2014 and 2016, one in five Philadelphians were food insecure. That's about 300,000 people.
7 years ago
Princeton University health economist Uwe Reinhardt dies at 80
"Uwe Reinhardt was a giant in our field, a moral compass for American health care," said Drew Altman, President and CEO of the Kaiser Family Foundation.
7 years ago
Mountaire fires wastewater workers, announces upgrades at Delaware site
Mountaire Farms has fired workers at its wastewater treatment plant in Millsboro following the discovery of problems that led to a violation notice earlier this month.
7 years ago
Delaware accuses chicken giant of polluting water
Mountaire Farms is accused of 13 violations of its permits to spray treated wastewater on fields in Millsboro, Delaware.
7 years ago
Following damaging reports, Pa. Congressman Marino defends his opioid law
“It’s a typical hatchet job,” Marino said of the reports.
7 years ago
Listen 2:30