On the eve of Black History Month, N.J. denied historic designation for Camden MLK House
The Historic Preservation Office withholds a spot on the state’s Register of Historic Places from the site where King planned one of his earliest protests.
5 years ago
With a ceremonial mortgage burning, the Paul Robeson House marks its next chapter
With the debt burden lifted, the West Philadelphia Cultural Alliance is one step closer to adding programming to attract younger people to the house and museum.
5 years ago
Time running out to save historic ‘MLK House’ in Camden
That structure is now on the verge of collapse in the face of indecision by local and state officials.
5 years ago
Alabama county to preserve jail remnant where MLK was held
An Alabama county is preserving what’s left of the lockup where officials say Martin Luther King Jr. served his final time behind bars just months before his assassination.
5 years ago
Historians Fight to Preserve New Jersey’s Endangered Lifesaving Stations
A little-known but colorful slice of maritime history can still be found in a few places
5 years ago
City Council is making it harder to demolish buildings in 6 historic Philly neighborhoods
A bill expected to pass City Council aims to stem demolitions of historic buildings.
5 years ago
Iconic clown sign at now-demolished Shore drive-in to be preserved
Officials say a clown sign that has smiled on motorists at a now-demolished New Jersey drive-in for two-thirds of a century will be preserved.
5 years ago
Philadelphia’s Christ Church preserves historic steeple
Restoration is underway for the Christ Church steeple, one of the last remaining architectural structures from the colonial era in the country.
5 years ago
Historic Northern Savings Fund building is now a gorgeous Di Bruno catering space
The Frank Furness-designed bank on Spring Garden has new life as “Banca.”
5 years ago
History behind the walls: How Philadelphia’s most famous haunted house began
The grounds of Eastern State Penitentiary survived years of abandonment and bids for redevelopment. There’s just as much history as there is terror behind those walls.
5 years ago
Hunting Philly neighborhoods for forgotten church pipe organs
The Philadelphia-based nonprofit Partners for Sacred Spaces is visiting churches in the city’s outlying neighborhoods to document forgotten pipe organs.
5 years ago
Listen 3:29Listen to a live conversation between Philly developer Ori Feibush, Paul Farber of Monument Lab, preservationist Faye Anderson and artist Karyn Olivier.
5 years ago
Listen 65:21Sacred battleground: Why the Philadelphia Archdiocese surrendered to preservationists
The Archdioceses of Philadelphia acknowledges that its position on preservation is no longer as oppositional as it once was.
5 years ago
Things are so bad at the Church of the Advocate that the ceiling is literally falling down.
5 years ago
Judge: Old City’s Painted Bride can’t be sold for condos
The Painted Bride Art Center can’t sell its Old City home because of the building’s “priceless” mural facade, designed by mosaic artist Isaiah Zagar.
5 years ago